5 things you will learn playing The Last of Us

Day to day we learn new things, whether watching TV, reading a book or even playing video games. There are numerous titles that leave us great life lessons, which is why they deserve great recognition for the gamer audience.

A clear example is The Last of Us, which he gives us through his history great learnings.

Next, we will talk about 5 things you will learn playing this title.

1. Be discreet

Nobody likes know-it-alls and exhibitionists. The game makes this message clear: Don't boast about your achievements or take advantage of others to do so. 

Be discreet will also be a necessity if you want to survive more than a week in a world full of threats, such as runners, clickers and hunters.

2. Every story has two sides 

En The Last of Us are presented to us two different factions that were formed after the end of the world: the hunters and the fireflies. Each side has its own story and fights for its cause.

However, sometimes it's not just about the truth or a lie, but what truth you want to believe.

3. Choose who to trust 

Life will give you countless friendships, you will meet people, you will tell secrets, confidences and dreams. You don't want to regret it either, so Choose who you trust, choose your friends well. 

4. Improvising is an art 

Life is full of unexpected moments and that's when You will see if you have the art of improvisation or not. 

5. Money is not everything.

As many mention: What moves the world is money, but never let money move you. Not to the point of forgetting what really matters: happiness. 

It sounds like a self-help book full of clichés and fantasies, but sometimes the truth is simple. Money is necessary, but it is not everything in this life. 

Even more so in a post-apocalyptic world where the economy is dead. If you don't want to be the next to die, it's good to think about new ways to survive, Because money won't save you.