How to access my Facebook without a password and protect your account

Currently Facebook is still one of the social media most used worldwide. Although it is not the only one, there are a large number of people who are in charge every day of keeping it at the forefront as the network with the largest number of registered users, or at least among the first.

Having such a wide audience, it is quite normal that many cybercriminals try to violate your security systems in order to access the large personal database available on your platform. Therefore, it is necessary for most users to update themselves with the information relevant to the implementation of more reliable security measures to protect their accounts.

And, although Facebook has really cared about providing us with safe environments (not counting the controversies of the platform itself) where we can function calmly using its network to communicate with friends and family. Yes, it is true, many of us have not even activated another authentication method beyond the password.

Or worse yet, we have disabled these formats in favor of automating login by saving cookie data in our browser that allows us to access the website more comfortably.

Throughout this article we will present you with the safest ways that exist today to enter Facebook and how you can configure it so you do not have to enter your password every time you want to consult it.

How can I log into my Facebook account without a password?

This is quite simple and you have several options for this, all of them are based on saving certain information between the browser's temporary files to provide you with more "Secure" access that prevents the transit of your user credentials in text format over the network. local.

The measure is very effective as it allows us to avoid the vulnerabilities that arise when analyzing traffic on the network where we are connected, whether with our consent or without it. But the web guarantees a certain degree of security, that is a fact.

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Hackers will not get your data easily with this method, but they can still obtain it, which is why we are going to recommend some authentication methods that are more efficient so that you do not have to have a bad time watching them steal your information from this platform.

How to protect my account?

Facebook puts at your disposal certain authentication methods that we will list one by one so that you understand well how they influence the development of security that is sufficiently robust to safeguard your personal data in the great world of the Internet.

Improve your password

It is a quite effective method, inventing complex passwords full of symbols and special characters, as it manages to hinder the logic of many hacking bots, as well as of course, a little bitter the actions of those who try to access your account in an unauthorized way.

Although, you should consider it only the tip of the Iceberg when it comes to the security of your account. Many times, regardless of the complexity of your password, the necessary computing power is negligible compared to the amount of data that criminals have about you, so it is better to implement, in addition to this, some other security systems.

two-step verification

This is one of the most reliable measures to protect your accounts, not only on Facebook, but also on a multitude of other pages. This is a method where when you try to access your account from a new device, a code is sent to any of the channels that you have set up for this purpose, which can be SMS to your phone number, an email to your registered Email or even , and is the most trusted, a volatile key generated by applications such as Google Authenticator.

Which of the means you are going to implement depends entirely on you and how you feel most comfortable. Below we show you one by one the steps you must follow to activate verification.

The first thing you should do is log in to your Facebook account from the device of your choice.

Then you must go to the “Security and login settings” section.

Once there, you must scroll down a little until you see the option that says “Use two-step authentication.”

Once there you just have to click on the “Edit” option

This will redirect you to a new tab where you must choose the means you want to use to secure your Facebook account to a certain extent, it should show you three:

A security key

An authentication code through a third-party application. This section contains what we have discussed about Google Authenticator's volatile keys.

Codes via text messages to the mobile phone number you have associated with your account.

  • Once you have chosen the method of your choice, this system will be activated and every time you want to access your account from any device anywhere in the world, you must have your mobile phone at hand to authenticate the login by indicating the code that will appear on the screen. tab where Facebook requests it.

It is a very effective measure to protect your data, even used to provide more security in some banks. It does not allow logins without monitoring by the account owner, which makes it much more difficult for cybercriminals to get hold of your personal data and your login credentials.

Apply common sense do not open unknown links

The best security measure is to actually apply common sense when using the Facebook social network. That is, you must stay very aware of what you open from your logged in session.

The implementation of more secure authentication methods has brought with it many forms of vulnerabilities that remain unfixed. For example, through those links that we commonly receive in our Messenger inbox.

This is, without a doubt, one more way for cybercriminals to exploit the innocence of their victims and access their accounts through an infected link.

For this reason and many other things, we strongly recommend that you do not open these unknown links, as they may result in the loss of your information and even the theft of your data.