How to not appear online on WhatsApp

We are sure that on some occasion you have considered how not to appear online on WhatsApp, and we are talking about a very useful and increasingly necessary tool in our daily lives, but it also has some aspects that we may not find so pleasant due to the fact that in a way it threatens our privacy a little.

Not appearing online on WhatsApp

The installation of WhatsApp and our privacy

First of all, it is important to keep in mind that WhatsApp is a legitimate application, that is, it is not an application whose developers aim to steal our information and share it with third parties. However, it is true that we are talking about an application that aims to keep you in contact with other people, which is why, both this and any other instant messaging application, will sometimes make use of resources such as informing our contacts about whether or not we are connected, whether or not we have read the messages and, even, one of the functions that can be very useful in some cases but also harms our privacy is the fact that WhatsApp can even use the geolocation of our device for some very cool features, but that means it's detecting where we are.

This can make our company know at all times where we are, or even let any friend, co-worker, family member, acquaintance, etc. know our location, something that many times will not harm us at all, but we cannot always be sure if it is something advisable in certain circumstances.

In short, WhatsApp is a fantastic tool and, as we said, totally legitimate, but at the same time we must also pay attention to our privacy if we do not want to have any unpleasantness.

Steps to not appear online on WhatsApp

That said, the WhatsApp developers themselves have created a system through which we will be able to configure our device with the aim of not appearing online on WhatsApp.

In any case, what we have to do is enter WhatsApp and then we will access the chat section. If we look at the upper right corner of the screen, we have three vertical dots that we will click on. Now we are going to click on “Settings", we click on "Account” and then we are going to go to “Privacy ".

Time and line on WhatsApp

Now you will have in front of you all WhatsApp privacy options. First of all, we find the section through which we can choose whether or not the last time we connected is known. We can choose if we want everyone to see this time, only our contacts to see it, or no one to see it.

Secondly, we will be able to choose who we want to see our profile photo, whether it is everyone, our contacts or no one. In the same way we are going to proceed with our status, indicating if we want everyone to see it, only our contacts or no one to see it.

Evidently We will achieve maximum privacy if we indicate that the last connection time and status cannot be seen by anyone, but it should be noted that we will not be able to see this data in other users either.

Let's not forget that just below we also have another interesting option which is the read confirmation. These are the marks that appear on each message we send and receive and that indicate whether they have been received by the recipient and even if the message has been read. Turn off read receipts It is a fantastic option to guarantee at all times that our recipients do not know if we have read their messages, but be careful, if we choose to carry out this deactivation, we will not be able to know if they have read the messages we have sent or even if they have received them.

Basically these are the configuration options that will allow us to increase our privacy, and above all they will help us not appear online on WhatsApp, something that many of you have been looking for and that you already know also has its negative aspects, but Of course, it will increase your security when using this fantastic application.