How to put accents in Word

The accents, more popularly known as accents in Word They are an essential resource when writing, so it is important that we learn to know all their secrets to be able to incorporate any type of accentuation that we need in our texts.

How to put accents in Word

This basis not only applies to Spanish, practically all languages ​​do use of accents and they are as important as in the others. In the same way, placing or not placing an accent can change the meaning of a word.

We know the normal accents', that is, the accent on the n that makes up the letter 'ñ', and the acute accents that we use so much in Spanish (used as á, é, í, ó, ú). But there are other accents that must be taken into account and that we are going to see. how to put in word.

types of accents

It is of great importance to know the accents, in addition to how to put these accents in Word. These are the bass ones, which we usually see in French; the acute ones, common in Spanish, the circumflex ones, also widely used in French; the 'tildes', which we can see in the letter 'ñ' and which, in addition, are widely used in Portuguese; and the umlaut, which is generally used in Eastern European countries.

  • Graves (à, è, ì, ò, ù)
  • Treble (á, é, í, ó, ú)
  • Circumflex (â, ê, î, ô, û)
  • Virgulillas (ñ, õ, ã)
  • Umlaut (ä, ë, ï, ö, ü)

Copy the accent of an already written word

A very simple way to put accents on Word It is simply copying them. The first thing you will have to do is look for a word with the accent you want to use. You can do this by searching for the word in a web search engine, Google for example. There you will find the accented word (even if you have written it without accent). Now you have to select only the accented letter, right click on it and press the option to copy. You can also take the accents from this same article –You can find them throughout the document, a good source of them is the list that we have left above..

When you have copied the accented letter you want to use, go to Word, right-click and press catch to place the accented letter you were needing. This way you will get it to appear in the document.

Don't want to be copying and pasting accents? Keep reading, we have other ways to put accents in Word.

Video tutorial of the steps you must follow to add accents

Use keyboard shortcuts to type the accent in Word

Something everyone should do when writing is, directly, write with accents. It is easy to get used to placing them once you know which words are stressed and where are the accents on your keyboard. But beware! Depending on the language of your keyboard, you will find that these are located on different keys.

We are going to show you how to place accents on a traditional keyboard with the Spanish Language. If the language of your keyboard (or your operating system) is English, you will find that you have to change the way you type the accents, or you will be forced to change the language of your keyboard to Spanish.

How to put a grave accent in Word

Grave accents: Grave accents are widely used in French and Spanish dialects, as well as in many other foreign languages. In order to write it you have to Press the '`' key, followed by the letter to be accented. The grave accent key can be found on the key immediately to the left of the 'p' on your keyboard. Shares a key with the circumflex accent and the opening bracket.

How to put an acute accent in Word

Acute accents: The accent that we are so accustomed to writing in letters. On a keyboard we will have to use its specific key. Press Control + ´, followed by the letter to be accented. On this occasion, the key to write the acute accent is located next to the 'ñ' key on the Spanish keyboard.

How to put circumflex accent in Word

Circumflex accents: Circumflex accents are generally used in French and other Central European languages. A small 'house', vulgarly speaking, that is placed over the letter to change its pronunciation. To use this accent you have to Press the Shift key + ^, followed by the letter you want to accentuate. This is the same grave accent button, placed next to the letter 'p' on the Spanish keyboard.

How to put a tilde in Word

Virgulillas: An accent that is not difficult to see in Spanish due to the letter 'ñ', although impossible to see outside of that letter in our language. In the event that you have to use circumflex accents, Press Alt Gr + ~, followed by the letter you want to accentuate. The key to place the circumflex accent is the number '4'. This key houses both the number and the dollar sign ($) and the accent (~).

How to put umlauts in Word

Dieresis: Finally we find the umlaut. An accent that we use to indicate that a letter must be pronounced, even if it is silent according to general rules (for example in penguin). There are two ways to place an umlaut in Word using keyboard shortcuts. One of them is to press Control + Shift + : -yes, the colon key. Another way to do this is to use the specific keyboard key for the umlaut. We do this with the key combination Shift + ¨. This key is located next to the letter 'ñ', and is the same key used to write the acute accent.

When you are going to write accents using any of these combinations you have to keep in mind that you have to hold down the Control, Shift, or Alt keys if used, and then press the accent key. Once this is done you can release the keys and then type the letter you want to accentuate. This way you can see how the accent you want to write appears, as long as you have pressed the keys correctly.

Place accents with ASCII code

In computers we can find a 'secret code' that allows us write any character, whether normal or special. All you have to do is hold down the Alt key and type the code of the character to place. When the Alt key is released, said letter or symbol will appear on the screen.

Enter the following codes to create grave accents:

  • à = 0224; À = 0192;
  • è = 0232; Ј = 0200;
  • ì = 0236; Ì = 0204;
  • ò = 0242; Ò = 0210;
  • u = 0249; Ù = 0217.

Enter the following codes to create acute accents:

  • á = 0225; Á = 0193;
  • e = 0233; É = 0201;
  • i = 0237; Í = 0205;
  • or = 0243; Ó = 0211;
  • u = 0250; Ú = 0218;
  • ý = 0253; Ý = 0221.

Enter the following codes to create circumflex accents:

  • â = 0226; Â = 0194;
  • ê = 0234; Ê = 0202;
  • î = 0238; Î = 0206;
  • ô = 0244; Ô = 0212;
  • û = 0251; Û = 0219.

Enter the following codes to create accents:

  • ã = 0227; Ã = 0195;
  • ñ = 0241; Ñ ​​= 0209;
  • δ = 0245; Õ = 0213.

Enter the following codes to create umlauts:

  • ä = 0228; Ä = 0196
  • ë = 0235; Ë = 0203
  • ï = 0239; Ï = 0207
  • ö = 0246; Ö = 0214
  • u = 0252; Ü = 0220;
  • ÿ = 0255; Ÿ = 0159.

Finally, release the Alt key so that the accented letter appears in your Word document.

Remember that all these resources will also be available for the rest of the free alternatives to Microsoft Office, so we advise you to make a list of all of them to choose the one that best suits your needs.


What accents can we use in Word?

There are different types of accents that we can find such as bass (è), aguados (ú), Circuflenjos (â), Diéresis (ä) and Virgulillas (ñ).

How can we put the accents?

There are different ways to put accents:

  • Copying words from the internet.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts
  • Using ASCII code