Computer keyboard

The keyboard of a computer It is an essential piece when using this equipment. It is necessary to be able to write any word on the screen, so you can now get an idea of ​​its importance.

Computer keyboard

An essential piece of hardware for anyone who uses a computer, and is often also essential for those who use tablets (there are keyboards for tablets too) and they need to feel the keys on their fingers to be able to type comfortably.

What is a computer keyboard and how to use it

When we talk about keyboard we focus on the traditional keyboard. This is a piece of hardware of the computer. A peripheral that connects (usually via a USB port) to the computer in order to write on it.

There are keyboards of many sizes, designs and colors. Most have a number pad. A small section to the right of the keyboard that includes only numbers and keys such as the asterisk, period, slash, plus and minus symbols, and a key intro.

To use a computer keyboard You just have to connect your cable to the equipment. The operating system will automatically recognize the keyboard so that it is available for use the moment you connect to the computer.

Spanish computer keyboard

Spanish computer keyboard

It is important to know what language you are going to write in on a computer. As you can imagine, keyboards are not the same in a Spanish-speaking country as they are in Georgia, China or India. There are different characters, symbols and a different layout of the keys.

Each keyboard makes use of the most common characters of its language. For this reason you have to choose take into account the language of the keyboard when purchasing it.

El Spanish keyboard, regardless of whether it is Latin American Spanish or Spanish, includes the letter 'ñ' and has a different layout of its keys than keyboards of other languages. For example, the square brackets are on the keys closest to 'p', the braces '{' and '}' are found next to each other after the letter 'ñ', and both the accent marks and the comma, period , semicolon, colon, and hyphen and underscore follow in order after the letter 'm'.

You can see the layout of the Spanish keyboard in the image above. Just as its arrangement is unique to accents and other spelling signs that follow letters, numbers also contain different symbols that are arranged in a unique way on the Spanish keyboard.

English computer keyboard

English computer keyboard

When you buy a computer you may find that it includes an english keyboard. This means that the keyboard keys are arranged differently than the Spanish keyboard. When writing, it can be partially solved by changing the language of the operating system, however, characters will be seen on the keyboard in a different order than how they are used.

If it is an external keyboard, you can request a change for one to Spanish, the same can be tried if it is a laptop keyboard. In any case, if you decide to stick with the English keyboard or a change of keyboard cannot be consolidated, you have to learn to live without the letter 'ñ', which is not included in this keyboard, and you may have to paint the signs on the keys already drawn so as not to confuse you when looking at the keyboard and typing.

Key combinations

Everyone can write with a keyboard, but you have to know that to place certain characters you have to make use of key combinations. Only in this way can you type certain characters that are placed next to others on certain keys. To perform a key combination you will have to hold down a key and, meanwhile, press another to make the character appear.

No key combinations

The following characters can be placed without any key combination. These are the main characters of these keys, so simply pressing them will make them appear.

  • High and low accents (` y ´). They will appear after writing a letter
  • Exclamation mark (!)
  • Plus symbol (+)
  • Cedilla (Ç)
  • Point (.)
  • Eat (,)
  • Screenplay (-)
  • Apostrophe (')

Pressing the Shift key

While holding down the key Shift you can type the following symbols with your keyboard.

  • Shift + 1: End of exclamation (!)
  • Shift + 2: Quotes («)
  • Shift + 3: Midpoint (·)
  • Shift + 4: Dollar ($)
  • Shift + 5: Percentage (%)
  • Shift + 6: Et (&)
  • Shift + 7: Slash (/)
  • Shift + 8: Open parentheses '('
  • Shift + 9: Close parentheses ')'
  • Shift + 0: Equal (=)
  • Questions: (? y ¿)
  • Asterisk (*)

Pressing Alt Gr

On your keyboard you can find a key called Alt Gr. It is not the common Alt key but is a modifier key designed to type characters, characters that are unusually located on the keyboard.

If the character is drawn in the lower right corner of the key on your keyboard, you will have to use the Alt Gr key to be able to type it on the computer. These are the symbols that can be written using this key.

  • Alt Gr + 1: Vertical bar (|)
  • Alt Gr + 2: At (@)
  • Alt Gr + 3: Pad (#)
  • Alt Gr + 4: Virgulilla (~)
  • Alt Gr + 5: Euro (€)
  • Alt Gr + 6: Logical negation (¬)
  • Alt Gr + E: Euro (€)
  • Backslash ( \)

On-screen keyboard / Digital keyboard

Although the keyboard as we traditionally know it is something physical, which we can feel with our hands, it is true that the use of the keyboard has become very widespread. digital keyboard. We already use it with our smartphones, when we write messages to our friends and family, we dial numbers or search for something in it.

Just as it is used on mobile phones and tablets, computers also have a digital keyboard. These digital keyboards are designed for touch screens, however they can also be used using the mouse.

This on-screen computer keyboard It can be found in Windows easily. You will have to go to the system settings. In Windows 10 you can do it in Home – Settings – Accessibility – Keyboard and activate the On-screen keyboard. In the case of older systems you will have to go to Home – Control panel – Accessories – Accessibility – On-screen keyboard.

The on-screen keyboard feature keeps it always in front of you. This way it won't disappear when you want to write something. You will have to use the mouse and click one by one on the keys you want to use. Don't worry about it being "in the middle", you can move it wherever you want on your screen (even close it) and even if it is on top of the other windows you can use the computer as if the keyboard were not there.