Where is Windows 10 Device Manager

To help you manage the latest Microsoft operating system, this time we are going to explain where the Windows 10 device manager, a section that is very important to know, especially to manage each element that we connect to our PC.

Where is Windows 10 Device Manager

Windows 10 Device Manager section

To get to the Windows 10 device manager we have to enter the Start menu and then click on Settings.

In the window that appears we have to enter System and you will see that on the left side there are different options to choose from. We are going to go to the last one and click on “About” with which the part on the right will change and we will see something similar to the following image:

Where is Windows 10 Device Manager

Now we click on “Device administrator” and in just a few seconds a new window will open where we will see a complete list with all the devices that are connected to our equipment.

Some tips about Windows 10 device manager

Where is Windows 10 b device manager

What you will be seeing here are basically all the devices that are connected to your computer, including both internal hardware and external hardware and in general each element that is part of your computer equipment.

The only thing you have to do is click on the arrow on the left of each group of devices and a small list will immediately appear with all the elements that make up it.

That is, if for example we select “Display adapters” the display adapters or graphics cards that you have installed on your computer. For example, in my case the following image will appear:

Where is Windows 10 c device manager

As you can see, what appears are two cards, on the one hand the one that is integrated into the motherboard and on the other hand the main card that I have installed in my computer.

Well, in the same way that we have acted on screen adapters, we will also be able to do it with any other type of device.

To know all the information of any of these devices that appear connected, all we have to do is double click on it and a new one will instantly open properties window where we can manage some important aspects about the device.

We have a section through which we can make an overview of relevant device information such as the state in which it is located, the type of device what it is about, the manufacturer and location. At the top you will see other different tabs that may vary depending on the device, but generally one will be the device tab. controller where you can, among other things, perform a manual update, mainly if the device has operating problems.

You will also have tabs with details, with events y events as well as with means various that will help you, on the one hand, to solve problems and, on the other, to get the most out of each device that you have plugged into your computer.