

XML: What it is, advantages and characteristics

PHP, HTML, Java, JS... There are a large number of languages ​​that can be used when programming a web page. Each...

Manage offline maps in Windows 10

Windows 10 puts at our disposal a series of very interesting maps with which we can consult places around the world. However...

How to get the percentage in Excel

Excel is an essential tool on our computers, and thanks to it we will be able to perform all types of calculations (basic operations or...

How to create indexes in Word

When we write a document in Word, whether it is a paper for university or even for our job, creating an index can be the...

What is XLSX format

If you have ever worked with Microsoft Excel, chances are you have noticed that the XLSX format is precisely...

How to make my computer go faster

A computer is increasingly necessary at home and in our workplace, but no matter how powerful the one we have...

Cowarobot R1, the suitcase that will accompany you wherever you go

Smart suitcases take to the streets, and today we can find models such as ModoBag, a suitcase that...

FoldiMate dries, irons and folds clothes for you

Today, in most families, both members are forced to work in order to maintain a standard of living...

Tips for a better posture in front of the PC

Those of us who spend many hours in front of the PC or sitting at the work table, if we do not take care of our posture a little, at...

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