They steal files from Apple and try to extort the company

More and more cybercrimes are occurring, through which criminals try to extort or obtain data from their victims with the aim of obtaining different types of benefits. The latest news is theft of files from Apple which they have used with the aim of extorting the company, for which they have used another company which is none other than Quanta, which is responsible for the manufacturing of a good part of the range of apple products.

A group of hackers manages to steal Apple files

Hackers spread throughout the length and breadth of the network, trying to capture information that allows them to obtain both financial and other benefits.

Anyone can become a victim, but the truth is that large companies are the ones most exposed to this type of cybercriminals.

It should be noted that their modus operandi is usually in three ways: obtaining data, obtaining relevant and/or private information, or even encrypting files, which is basically making files located on systems unusable. computer files, so that the tool to decrypt them would only be in the hands of these criminals, so if they do not pay the blackmail, they will lose all those files.

Apple is clear about it, and in fact it is not the first time that it has received threats or extortion attempts from computer criminals, but on this occasion, they have managed to go further by directly attacking Quanta, a Taiwanese company that was a victim. of a hack that allowed criminals to obtain a large amount of apparently sensitive information about Apple.

The objective was to extort the company

From the beginning, the objective of obtaining all this information is to extort the company, offering a deal in exchange for not revealing all the information that has been illegally extracted.

For this reason, the pirates prepared an extortion letter as well as three evidence files that they posted on the deep web, so that they could be accessible by people from anywhere in the world.

In this way, Apple would understand that it was a serious threat, and they wanted to prevent all that information from coming to light, they would have to pay a ransom in bitcoins.

A crime that is difficult to punish

These criminals benefit from the fact that they can work from countries that do not have extradition agreements with those in which they commit crimes, so that even if the person who committed the crime is identified, they can safely escape conviction, as long as when they are not traveling to the destination country.

Furthermore, there are also hackers who often travel between different countries, which makes locating it practically an impossible mission.

Currently, cybercriminals have specialized in a multitude of segments that include everything from individuals to large companies, including small and medium-sized companies, associations, political groups and any other type of group that allows them to obtain a benefit of various kinds.

The most experienced do not hesitate to attack large companies, while those who do not have as much experience or work from more sensitive countries due to the risk of extradition, generally commit smaller crimes with small thefts, since in these cases, they acquire amounts which for their countries are very high, while in Western countries they are not considered a crime.

For its part, and after this attack of which we have not yet known the conclusion, Apple has reported that it is going to establish new strategies through which it will be able to deal with this type of crime, so that they will not only protect the main company, but will also aim to establish additional security measures for Quanta and any other company with which they have commercial contacts.

In this way, it is expected, on the one hand, to act actively against hacker attacks, while on the other hand, also to try to act as a deterrent, thus managing to reduce the risk of becoming or any of the companies that work with Apple could become a target for cybercriminals.