The secrets that iOS and Android hide

The iOS and Android operating systems are known to everyone, but do you know everything about them? In this article we will show you the main differences between these systems, as well as the most frequent breakdowns.


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How is iOS different from Android?

These two operating systems are the most used, but there are certain differences between them:

  • Customization. Manufacturers that have Android can easily customize their interface, however, iOS, being a closed system, cannot be modified.
  • Privacy . There are many theories about this, but without a doubt Android is much less secure than Apple. In fact, the latter collects data anonymously, and encrypts them.
  • Conference proceedings. This is the aspect where they differ the most, since Android allows you to insert SD cards into your devices, while iOS is programmed to store everything in the cloud.
  • Download apps. Finally, another point to keep in mind is that Android allows you to install apps from Google Play or if you have the APK. On the other hand, if you have an Apple you can only download applications from the App Store.
  • Performance. At the hardware level, Android needs much more power to support updates and function optimally. For all this, many users have criticized Apple for not implementing a greater number of cores and RAM in its devices.
  • Product range. In this aspect we can also find a notable difference. And, iOS only focuses on high-end devices, therefore, its target audience is very different from that of Android, which offers a wide variety of ranges.
  • Navigation bar. Apple devices are based on navigation using a single button, which can fulfill 4 different functions. Meanwhile, Android is very convenient in this sense, since it has 3 buttons, which perform the same functions as the iOS button.
  • app market. Apple tries to offer the best to its customers, which is why app developers who want to upload content to the App Store must pay a registration fee of €100 and are subject to a manual review of everything they upload. On the other hand, Android is the opposite, since there are not so many restrictions to upload an application, so the safest thing is to find "junk apps«.

Most common breakdowns

The breakdowns of Apple mobile phones are very different from those of smartphones that have the Android OS. That is why in this section we will show you the most common breakdowns of these systems.


Android is an operating system that has been improved over time, but that does not mean that it is immune to some failures. In fact, a study was recently carried out in which they claimed that mobile phones in Spain had 2 years average life, the most common elements to break down being: the screen, the power button and the battery. Therefore, we can affirm that the most common are the following:

  1. The mobile works very slow. Normally, this failure occurs on low-end mobile phones. And, the problem lies in the internal memory, since if it does not have enough space it will affect the speed of your smartphone.
  2. Neither wifi nor data works. This is a very common occurrence, and can sometimes be fixed quickly. If you notice that the Wi-Fi or data is not working for you, you should put the airplane mode, and after 1 minute deactivate it. If applying this method does not work for you, you should go to a specialist.
  3. Touch screen does not work. On some occasions, the touch screen on your mobile phone may become uncalibrated and stop responding. In this case, the only solution is to go to a specialized store to have it calibrated or have the screen replaced, depending on the problem.
  4. The battery consumes very quickly. This is a very common breakdown, and in most cases fixing it is not profitable. And this problem is due to the fact that the more it is used, the more the useful life of a battery is consumed. But, there are several tips that you should follow so that life is prolonged, including not leaving your cell phone in the sun and turning it off from time to time.


Many users see iOS and in this case Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, as a company that technologically does not make mistakes. On the other hand, over the years we have seen how this type of mobile phones also break down. Therefore, in this section we will show you the most common ones:

  1. The device does not connect to bluetooth. Since the last update this is a frequent error, which does not allow pairing with another mobile. In most cases, this will be solved by restarting it.
  2. My iPhone restarts by itself. This problem usually occurs (especially) on older devices, and is usually due to the battery's useful life reaching the end. Therefore, to fix this problem you will have to go to a technician.
  3. Low coverage. Has it ever happened to you that your iPhone is without coverage? Solving this is very simple, you just have to turn off the phone, remove the SIM, clean it, reinsert it, and finally turn on the device. After this, you should have good coverage again.
  4. Text messages with errors. Initially this problem was solved after the release of version 8.4, but today this type of messages is still frequent. The quickest and easiest solution is to factory reset the phone. With this simple action these types of notices usually disappear.
  5. Synchronization issues. On some occasions your Apple device may fail to sync some applications. In most cases, the solution to this error is simple. One of the first things you should try is to check that you have the system updated. Once you have seen this, you must delete the accounts that you have associated in «Settings» and re-enter them.

Where can I fix my cell phone?

Currently, there are many establishments for the repair of technological devices, but it is important to know which one is the best. Therefore, in this section we will show you (according to our experience) which company is the TOP to repair your phone.

Currently, Servicio10 is one of the companies that has the most qualified professionals in the sector. Their business is located in Madrid, and they stand out for being fast and having a great quality-price ratio. 

In short, repair your mobile at Servicio10 and you will be sure that the best technicians will fix your smartphone.