The 7 essential SEO extensions for Chrome

If you want to achieve the maximum influx of visits to your page or blog, it is essential that you have a good SEO. In this sense we can find tools of all types and for all tastes, but in our case we are going to present some of the SEO extensions that we consider essential and that you can install for free in Google Chrome to manage your pages in the most comfortable and effective way possible. It should be noted that the tools listed below do not follow a particular order, but are organized in alphabetical order and not according to their importance, effectiveness or characteristics.

What are the best SEO extensions?

There are a large number of SEO extensions aimed at different areas, from link monitoring to complete website analysis. Therefore, in this section we will show you the best tools to improve the positioning of your website.

Check my links

We start with this option that we can install quickly and whose main function is to analyze the links of our pages.

You must not forget that it is essential to avoid broken links (links that for whatever reason no longer redirect to an existing page) if we want to achieve good optimization, but obviously it is practically impossible to search link by link to check its status. For that reason, with Check my links In just a few minutes we can solve many problems that could otherwise cause us headaches.

Chrome Store - Check my links


With this bar we can know all the details related to the authority of a certain page or blog.

We obtain very valuable information such as the possibility of knowing incoming links and other information of interest that will be very welcome to help you make an appropriate decision.

Chrome Store –Mozbar

SEO Competitor Analysis Tool

It is an essential tool to be able to compare our page with other competing pages based on a keyword, that is, we will be able to know which of the pages obtains the best results based on said word.

At the same time, it is also very easy to use, since all we have to do is add the address of our page and the address of the page with which we want to compare it. Next we introduce the keyword and it will immediately carry out a complete analysis through which we will be able to know which of the pages this key is best optimized for.

Chrome Store - SEO Competitor Analysis Tool


It is one of those essential tools that all good bloggers must have installed. It includes a wide variety of information from any website we find ourselves on.

We will be able to know data such as internal and external links, diagnoses, indexed pages, backlinks, Alexa ranking, +1, Likes and Tweets related to the page and a long etcetera.

Chrome Store - SEOquake

SEO Site Tools

It is a tool similar to the previous one, since it offers us a large amount of very relevant information in relation to our website or even the competitor's pages.

In comparison with SEOquakeThis SEO extension for Chrome We could consider it more complete, since it offers very extensive information about location, hosting, labels, etc. However, it is important that we keep in mind that, on the other hand, we will not have information regarding both outgoing and incoming links.

These are some of the essential SEO extensions for Chrome. However, we encourage you to tell us which ones you like the most and of course also contribute those that you consider necessary.

Chrome Store - SEO Site Tools


This is one of the best free SEO extensions that exist today. This tool will allow you to analyze your website to find the errors it has and thus be able to solve them. 

El Woorank operation is simple, since to analyze a website, you only have to access it and open the extension. A panel will then appear with the score it gives, depending on whether the site is correctly optimized or not. In addition to this aspect, we can also check the SEO errors it has and some points to improve.

Chrome Store - Woorank Extension

Page Speed ​​Monitor

In our repertoire of SEO extensions we could not miss one aimed at checking the speed of our website. Without a doubt, one of the most important aspects of SEO is that your website is fast, for this you must choose hosting correctly and take care of the size of your images. This tool will show us the response time of our website.

Chrome Store - Page Speed ​​Monitor