

How to remove malware from your PC in no time

Slow Internet? Is your computer not working as it has been doing? It is likely that without you realizing it, your computer has been infected...

How to access blocked websites

Have you ever found that you couldn't access a web page? There are times when different platforms are forced...

How to use a database

Have you ever heard of databases? You can't "see" a database like a normal user, but anywhere...

How to disable (unsecure) PGP encryption on your email

It seems that these years are being very busy for computer security and privacy. After many privacy problems with Facebook, processors...

How to scan all downloads automatically with VirusTotal

VirusTotal is a world-renowned tool that helps identify which files on the network are infected with a virus. Now we can use...

How to hide tabs in Firefox

Firefox Quantum, version 60.0 of the browser that introduces this new name and many new features, is here and brings with it many changes. Leaving...

Proxy vs VPN

Even if you don't know what it is, you've probably already seen this acronym on many sites: VPN. Many file download, streaming and other services...


Can you imagine that hackers, instead of attacking you directly and extracting your information, would take advantage of the information that is circulating about you on the...

Passwords that are hard to guess and secure but easy to remember

Surely you have created a multitude of accounts in a multitude of services, pages, forums, social networks, programs, etc., but in many cases we are not aware of...

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