Email or Wanadoo email

Over the years, many telecommunications companies are born, merge and disappear, and one of them is Wanadoo. For that reason we are going to talk on this occasion about what the email o Wanadoo mail, analyzing its current state with the aim of determining how we can carry out the different available operations that are now in the hands of Orange.

What is email or Wanadoo email

It was in the 90s when France Telecom entered the Spanish market with the name Wanadoo, a new telecommunications company that would take over the Orange company that at that time belonged to Vodafone.

For many years it operated offering different services, until in 2005 there was a merger between Wanadoo and Amena, which passed into the hands of Orange.

In 2006, Wanadoo ceased to exist as a company since it was Orange that would take care of its clients.

How to start using a email or Wanadoo email

We are going to discover the main peculiarities related to email or Wanadoo email, as well as the options we have today to create or delete accounts.

How to create an email account or Wanadoo email

Until 2006, when Wanadoo disappeared, there was only one way to create a email or Wanadoo email, which was by signing a contract with this company.

Once we became Wanadoo customers, they automatically offered us a free email service for as long as we remained registered, something that remained somewhat up in the air since since the absorption of Orange, these services would no longer be created. accounts, but the previous users would continue to maintain them.

How to activate the or Wanadoo email account

The or Wanadoo email account was automatically activated the moment the user logged in for the first time, so there was no need to make complex configurations to start using this free service.

Where to log in to mail or Wanadoo mail

In order to log in to the email or Wanadoo email, you must keep in mind that the Wanadoo page no longer exists, so we will not be able to log in as we traditionally did.

Since Orange is in charge of these accounts, from now on, to log in to Wanadoo email we must do so through the Orange official page to access your emails.

How to cancel your email account

It is possible that you are one of many clients who once had access to a Wanadoo email, and it is also quite likely that, as is the case with the vast majority, over time you have put aside your email account and It's been a long time without you using it again.

It is very important to keep in mind that, when the merger occurred, the Wanadoo accounts that still existed were not automatically terminated, but rather their users continued to have access to them in theory for life.

The problem comes when we remember that we once had this account but we have not used it for years, which means that the account is still active and, therefore, all the emails and information that ended up in it are still on the Internet .

This can pose a risk for us, since it is not a good idea to leave unused accounts on the Internet, since they are left unprotected and at the mercy of criminals who can obtain very valuable information through them.

It must be especially taken into account that Wanadoo is a platform that was closed a long time ago, which means that it no longer receives any type of technical support for possible failures.

In this way, the systems that protect Wanadoo accounts are so outdated that they are much easier to overcome today, which means that it is very easy for any criminal to access our account information.

For that reason, if you had a or Wanadoo email and you have never managed to delete it, it is time for you to consider doing so, although you will surely have noticed that you no longer have access through your usual platform.

This is why the only solution to cancel a Wanadoo email account is by contacting Orange, since it is the company currently responsible for these accounts.

We will only have to inform them of our intention to cancel the old account and they will be in charge of carrying out the entire process.