Where to get all my applications on Android?

With the storage capacity of mobile phones increasing, it is normal to download many applications, to the point of asking yourself: where can I see all my installed applications? Android puts at your disposal internal services that can facilitate this task, and about which we will tell you a little in this entry.

Later you will find a great method that will work for you to get those apps that you have accidentally deleted and that you don't remember their names. If you are ready to educate yourself with the best information, do not hesitate to keep scrolling! We have the data you need so much. 

Where can I find my applications on Android?

Whenever you have been working for a long time, or without paying much attention to the apps on your mobile, They usually forget which ones are installed. Therefore, you need to ask yourself: what is in my applications that works and what doesn't? The best way to answer this question is to make a list of all the apps you have.

Android allows you to know all your installed apps in a simple and fairly fast way that you will surely know how to take advantage of. To use this option, you just have to enter the “Settings” section and go to “Applications”. Once inside you will see all the apps available on your mobile.

This is the quickest way and without third party interventions, but many of the apps displayed are vital to the operating system, so it is difficult to know which ones are actually external and can be modified or deleted. Therefore, this method is recommended for expert users. Don't worry! There are still solutions.

Android apps

What do I need to know all the apps installed on my mobile?

Well, if what you are looking for is to know the installed apps that belong to third parties, there are a couple of applications that can help you for this. One of the best known is List my apps, an app that, as the name suggests, makes a list of your apps.

With this app, you will not need anything else to know what you have installed on your mobile. You can manage some apps and its contents from there. It is quite useful if you want to make copies of your favorite apps or determine important lists.

This can become an excellent tool if you are thinking of changing your mobile phone, as you will be able to remember your necessary apps. Without a doubt, installing it will make any process much simpler and more intuitive.

How to find apps that you have forgotten?

Well, this is an important point. It always happens that by accident, or due to lack of space, you delete an application and then don't remember what it's called. Even if you think and think, the answer never comes to your mind and you give up. You will have to get another app that is similar, but, What if there was a way to get it?

Google is the one who powers the Play Store and most Android services. Therefore, their database is truly incredible. Among the information that is registered in your Play Store are the apps that you have ever downloaded. You can find them very easily and get the one you wanted so much.

To access this possibility, you just have to enter the Play Store from your mobile or computer with your Google account. Once there, go to the menu and enter the “Applications” section. A menu will be displayed directly with the option “My applications”. 

This will show you all the apps that you have ever downloaded on your different Android devices since your first time in the Play Store. Without a doubt, these are solutions that will brighten your days. Enjoy your favorite apps in the simplest way.