5 NTFS games to make money, a very profitable trend

We live in a changing world, in which new technologies, new jobs and new ways of investing money are born every second. In this case, at tecnologia.net we are going to talk to you about investing in games. At tecnologia.net we are not responsible for your investments, as you already know in investments you win and lose.

earn money playing

The bet on games in which you can collect NFT, fight epic monsters and explore infinite immersive environments in as many blockchain-based NFT action RPGs as can be Axie Infinity or the trendy game, Mist, an NFT Framework. This game's universe connects to the native MIST token as an in-game currency, allowing you to farm and stake tokens to earn in-game and out-of-game rewards.

What are NFTs

They are digital assets that are transforming the collecting of art and digital goods, their acronym is Non-Fungible Tokens, this series of assets are gaining ground in the digital world day by day, and are part of that new culture, in which blockchain and cryptocurrencies are absolutely integrated into the world of any business.

How can I participate?

Non Fungible Tokens are made up of the group of words that emerge from this curious acronym that is increasingly taking on more and more prominence in the financial world. Perhaps you are as surprised as I have been, at the time, to see that the explanation of the acronym generates more confusion than explanations. Well, in this article I will clarify what NFT games are and what you need to enter them.

What does Non Fungible Token mean?

Practically, when we refer in English to the term “Non Fungible” we are saying that anything that has this characteristic cannot be replaced. If we add another to these words: “token”; then we will be saying that said token cannot be replaced by another. To clarify the terms a little, token is a type of virtual currency that is used within a certain scope.

In the case of mainstream cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, the term NFT does not apply. Because after all, if I own a bitcoin and give it to you, and you own a bitcoin and give it to me, at the end of the transaction we will both still have the same value as before. It doesn't matter that my bitcoin is in your wallet and yours is in mine.

NFT tokens, for their part, do not meet this condition. Each one is unique and irreplaceable. To explain them, many resort to the analogy with the Mona Lisa painting. Although there are several identical replicas, the original painting has a much higher and unique value. Which makes it irreplaceable and highly valuable.

What gives value to an NFT

There are certain characteristics unique to NFTs that must be met for a token to be considered under this category. First of all, it must be unique. This means that there will be no two identical tokens officially accepted (any replica, copy or forgery is denied); It is also indivisible, a token cannot be divided into smaller units (as is the case with Bitcoin and its Satoshis, or with the dollar and its cents); It must be verifiable (you can verify its authenticity and also know who its owner is); It can be transferable but not replaceable (the asset can be transferred from owner according to the agreement that the parties determine appropriate, but as with an original work of art, it cannot be replaced.)

The value of the Non-Fungible Token, then, is fully determined by supply and demand. If for some reason a token that is unique and irreplaceable is loved and sought after by many people, the volume of this demand will cause the price to rise. On the contrary, if interest in it declines or never grows, the price will tend to be low and the amount of money that people are willing to pay for it will be lower.

If the original Mona Lisa went on sale today, the price to pay to become the owner would surely be listed at extremely high values. However, if tomorrow the painting loses prestige and falls into oblivion, its price will also decrease.

What are NFT games

All of this that we have exposed so far, we can implement in the recreational world. Custom tells us that to obtain access to a video game the first thing we must do is pay for it, thanks to this many generations grew up having fun with thousands of games for consoles or PC. However, until a few years ago, the only income we got from it was simply the hours of entertainment. In such a way that all these products became consumer goods.

NFT Game

From now on, games can be profitable and this means that from our time invested in them we can obtain a real profit in tangible currency. This is what the concept of P2E encompasses, pay to earn in English or play to win in Spanish.

How NFTs are used in P2E games

We said that NFTs are non-fungible tokens and therefore, unique and unrepeatable. How to combine this with a game takes multiple forms. Some of them are a kind of roleplays where the characters can be purchased, each unique and unrepeatable character is an NFT. Therefore, by entering the game and obtaining our own character what we are doing is obtaining an NFT. It can then be traded and its value will depend on the amount of experience, strength or characteristics that only that character possesses.

Although we have done the example this way, the truth is that NFTs can come in various forms. In some cases, the gadgets that we can acquire in a game such as armor, helmets, weapons, clothing, special effects and a long etcetera; They can be NFTs that can later be traded on a parallel market.

What other ways are there to win with NFT games?

The dynamics of the game depend on each individual. In the most popular games, in addition to NFTs, what is obtained are profits in some type of virtual currency that can be exchanged thanks to virtual wallets such as Metamask. To exchange them you will generally need it and Binance.

As you progress with the different missions or levels of the NFT games, you begin to receive prizes in said virtual currency. That is why in addition to the non-fungible token you also have the capitalization and profit of your invested hours.

The bad news is that in order to enter the arena in this type of games you will need to make an initial investment, which is generally not entirely accessible. In the case of the most popular game of the moment, Axie Infinity, for example, you require a high investment in dollars to be able to obtain the minimum number of characters necessary to start playing. However, for now, the initial investment can be recovered in a matter of weeks.

It is worth clarifying that you keep everything you invest in the characters, because in the future you can sell them. Still, the price you receive for them will depend on the popularity of the game at the time. Likewise, the volatility of the currencies in which you receive payments makes the predictability of your earnings uncertain and the risks of losing your investment high. It is for this reason that many people advise taking advantage of the furor while it lasts.

How cryptocurrency-based games work

If you know the dynamics of NFT games, you probably also know the meaning of the acronyms and the way in which they can generate good profits in your virtual wallets. In this article we will be talking to you about which are the most played NFT games of the moment and which, in addition, are in their bad moment.

If, if necessary, you are here without knowing exactly what an NFT game means, we can basically summarize the idea in a kind of mix between the cryptographic world and gaming. Thanks to this, now, playing and making money do not go on separate paths. On the contrary, right now, playing and developing skills in a game can be your source of income and investment. Let's start by looking at the list of games that interest us:

Axie Infinity

This is a nice game where a group of small characters, which we must buy to play, fight battles in trios. As we earn and move up the levels, we are paid with an SLP token which trades with considerable volatility. The profits can be very juicy when supply and demand allow it.

Axie Infinity

Sometimes it may happen that the system needs to be updated, in July of this year there was a debacle in its price, which was taken advantage of by many users to purchase more Axies. When the update finished and the system stabilized, the price rose again, generating a large profit among the holders.


This project is really new, it was launched at the beginning of August 2021. dragonary tries to position itself at the level of the almighty Axie Infinity, with a similar story in terms of battles. In this case, the characters are dragons. It has the novelty of paying per minute played, at least for now. To enter, a base of about $200 is required, although in itself, the project is presented as a free registration that can lead to misunderstandings.


At this time, its token project with which payment is received is going through a bearish phase. Perhaps it is a good idea to purchase them thinking about the future, in case the game can turn around as happened with Axie infinity.


Binamon was postulated at the time as the successor to Axie Infinity, with the same eyes with which people look at Dragonary at the moment. However, his great success at the beginning was overshadowed with the passage of time, and not precisely because of failure. The prices to access to play are relatively affordable compared to other games on the market. This has made many people interested in it, bringing the rewards to lower prices. This has not taken away the possibility of profitability, however, achieving good profits is becoming a little more expensive.

Perhaps this type of game is more thought out in the long term with the hope of a more dynamic and optimistic cryptocurrency market than the one we have available today. For this reason, many of its users prefer to hold their tokens.

Crypto Blades

For many users, this game is dead and should not be mentioned. Even so, it remains one of the pillars of NFTs and one of the most well-known and played games in its style. In mid-2021, a crisis began where its prices plummeted and it did not make promised payments. Many outraged users fled the platform in disappointment.

Currently the game's own SKILL token is at less than 50% of the value it reached in its moment of glory. Despite everything, there are people who continue to enter the project trusting in a kind of resurrection that will boost their numbers in the future.


This is another of the games that has started with a lot of hype. It is a game that, just like Axie Infinity, allows you to obtain your own characters, unique and unrepeatable like any NFT. In the game their rarity level increases, which have a maximum of 6 levels.

Its Zoon coin has suffered a sharp fall that has not found an end for weeks now. There is still hope among some users who expect a resurrection, as is the case with Cryptoblades. Their future is in the hands of their developers and any type of investment in the project can only be based on speculation and hope.


As you will see, the cryptocurrency market is closely related to the world of games. The rises and falls brought about by supply and demand cause the profit to vary continuously. In some cases, such as Axie Infinity, the stability of its game attracts more and more players, although the prices to enter are very high. On the contrary, CryptoBlades is the antithesis, with a project that worked excellently in its early stages and then began an unstoppable collapse. He is currently struggling to maintain and regain his confidence. In the middle we find Dragonary, a system that is trying to become popular but has not yet taken off and whose future seems to be uncertain.