6 applications to learn to play music

It is known that technology dominates the entire world, and one of the most used devices around the world are smart devices. It is rare to see a person who does not have a smartphone, tablet or computer, with them you can do a variety of things and not just work, to stay in touch or maintain a profile on social networks.

smart devices also serve as distraction tools thanks to the number of applications it has, you can play a variety of modern games, but, on the other hand, also It is a learning tool. Learning to play musical instruments, for example, is one of the goals of many people.

If you want to learn to play a musical instrument, there are applications like skoove.com To learn how to play music, keep reading to learn a little more.

Applications to learn to play musical instruments

Being able to learn to play a musical instrument It may seem like a difficult task for those who do not have the necessary knowledge. However, thanks to advances in technology, there are digital tools music teaching. For people who want to learn to play an instrument and want to do it quickly, there are applications that you can use from your phone or tablet.

6 applications to learn to play music

Below we will remind you the best 6 applications to learn to play music that are within the PlayStore or App Store platforms, which can be had easily and for free.

Skoove, learn to play piano

If you are looking for a pioneering application at a technological level, we present skoove. Learn piano and enjoy moments that are just for you. Join over 1 million people and learn easily with interactive piano lessons whether you're a beginner or the most advanced.

With chart hits

Play the songs of your favorite singers. John Legend, The Beatles, Coldplay, Adele and many more.

Listen to how the most famous music flows from you. From classics like Beethoven, Mozart and many more.

You can learn to play little by little and with different levels, as can be seen in the image.

They have some videos that show hands playing, which help you properly learn the positions and technique.

​Teaching by ear helps you learn to play melodies just by listening to them.

As you can see in the image, it will teach us how to play step by step and finger by finger.

You can also choose whether to play a specific melody, the one that is recommended according to your level.

The application adapts to our level, it is made for both professionals and people who are learning.

You can download the application in the Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skoove.piano


This is an application that provides us with the learning of various musical instruments such as the guitar, piano, bass and also ukulele. One of the strengths of this application is that learning to play guitar already has a different teaching method than other apps.

The application has a visual method and also has educational games that make the experience of playing a musical instrument effective and fun. It is a free platform that has daily time limits.


This is one of the best applications to learn to play instruments out there. The specialty of the app is piano, one of the most requested instruments to learn to play. The app shows the scores and the keys that must be pressed on the piano in order to form the sound.

The application has a variety of video lessons so you can start playing the piano. The lessons are easy to understand and start from the basics to the most difficult so that the user can learn the different chords there are.

On the other hand, the app has theoretical musical lessons, making the experience of being able to learn to play piano more complete within all musical aspects.

Ratatap Drums

One of the loudest instruments is definitely the drums. Despite having a noisy characteristic, it is an instrument that contributes a lot musically and many people want to learn to play it.

This application is free and features 15 types of batteries on the screen in order to select the one needed according to the musical genre. The application is only available for IOS devices.

TheUkelele App

This is an application that had its beginnings on the YouTube platform, but thanks to its fame it can now be found in the application. It is a perfect app to be able to learn the ukulele in depth since it has different learning techniques.

The application has all the scales that can be learned, and it has chords where each one is taught how to play them. It has a section of video lessons to play various songs of different learning levels.

Learn to playbass

This is an application that helps us learn to play the bass. It is a very easy app to use. It is in technological devices that have the Windows operating system, it has different lessons in video form in order to learn the fundamentals and techniques necessary to start playing the bass.

It has different levels and lessons. The application is not free, it costs €4,99 but it offers a large number of available videos collected within the platform.

We have already shown you 5 of the best in our opinion, but depending on the instrument you want to learn to play, you can make the choice that you like the most.