Facebook in Spanish – Create account

Facebook is, by far, the most important social network today. More than a billion people already They are part of your network, and they exchange information daily with their families and acquaintances, despite distance and borders. Today, we explain to you how to create a Facebook account in Spanish. Pay attention!

Facebook in Spanish

Registering a Facebook account in Spanish

To have an account in Facebook in Spanish, the first thing to do is, of course, record it. To do this, you must go to the Facebook website.

In case you are in Spain, the main website will open automatically with the Spanish configuration, and you will be able fill in the different fields that are required to have an account.

Among the different fields to fill, highlighting the name and surname, the email and date of birth. Enter correct data, because, otherwise, you will not only lose many opportunities on Facebook, but… They can close your account!

Once you have entered the data and started registration, Facebook will send you an email to activate your account. This is a very important step, since, until you have activated the account, it will not be operational.

After this process, you will be able to access your phone normally. Facebook account in Spanish, and start adding friends and family, as well as discover the different options that this social network makes available to you.

Of course, before you go crazy and start sending friend requests, it is best to complete your profile with all the personal information you can. Remember that the more complete your profile, the easier it will be for your friends to find you.

In the event that this causes you dilemmas regarding privacy, you can use the option to set your profile to private, so that only your friends can see your information.

Finally, you should also keep in mind that, so that your account is not closed or you incur problems and violations, it is advisable read the Facebook rules.

Possible problems on Facebook.com

Create a Facebook account in Spanish It is very simple, but you may encounter some problems that we are going to mention below:

  1. Your email has already been used: You may have already registered for Facebook in the past and do not remember your access information. In that case, if you cannot recover them, you will have to use a different email, this time.
  2. You are not in Spain: If you are not in Spain, the link we gave at the beginning of the article may not direct you directly to Facebook in Spanish. This does not cause any serious problem. From the settings, you can change the language, so that the entire interface appears in Spanish, even if you have registered the account from another country.

As you can see, create an account on Facebook in Spanish It's very simple, and it will allow you to stay in touch with your loved ones, meet new people, get back in touch with your childhood friends, and even get work or love relationships!
