What will Technology be like at the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games?

A little less than a year before the start of the new edition of the Olympics, Japan prepare what can be world event that has the most innovative technologies. 

The last time he asian country prepared some Olympics en 1964, they left us great advances for the time, such as the bullet train or infrastructure that was ahead of its time. 

After more than 50 years of development, What can we expect in Japan for next 2021? 

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

The Importance of Toyota 

El Services is one of most important aspect in these events that bring together millions of people in the same space. 

The automotive company Toyota, Is developing new technologies.; that provide a great experience to visitors and locals. 

The proposal that we will see next year, will be the use of 3700 autonomous and electric vehicles.

This will be a small sample of what the transportation of the future, especially how Artificial Intelligence can replace the management we know today. 

The Robots will play in Tokyo 

Toyota will not only take care of innovate in transportation. 

But also will provide these Olympic games with wide range of robots to improve the experience of athletes, workers and the public. 

v's experiencelive an event of this magnitude It will not only be physically, but also virtually. 

This is due to autonomous robots that capture the image of a person from anywhere in the world and is capable of transporting it through different spaces or sporting events. 

Olympic Games

Language will not be a Barrier 

not all are robots or autonomous cars, one of the innovations that Japan seeks As a result of this event, it is undoubtedly overcome the language barrier. 

Currently there are different translators that can work quite well, however they are still very slow and have a somewhat low success rate.

La new technology that is being developed is called “VoiceTra". 

An application that works in real time using the speech recognition, Therefore it can translate an entire conversation in a few seconds. 

The First 5G Olympic Games 

La new 5G network technology could not be missed in the “Future Games”. 

Thanks to this technology thousands of devices will be able to connect to each other, the most important thing without affecting wireless networks. 

Will they be the best Olympic Games in history? 

Japan will seek to be the best venue the world has ever seen. olympics, its technology, its marketing, especially its culture; makes one think that they will most likely be a game that is difficult to forget. 

Finally, the goal of the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games; is to be the most innovative and autonomous in history, but the question is Can they achieve it?

Tokyo Olympic Games