When starting a bodybuilding program, what nutritional supplements should I take?

When you are new to the world of bodybuilding, it is easy to get confused by the wide variety of supplements offered by different websites and gyms. What criteria should you use to determine if a certain product is suitable? 

Should you start your home gym program from the beginning? When starting out, what supplements are recommended so as not to risk injury?

New athletes often notice results faster than veteran bodybuilders, who have to work harder to maintain exciting results. 

We've compiled a list of the best supplements for beginner bodybuilders, along with an explanation of how and why they work.

Maximizing muscle gains with supplements is like maximize money profits with a trading bot, a very useful helper to make progress. 

Protein Basics for Bodybuilding: Whey and Casein

If your protein intake is not high enough to allow you to gain muscle mass relative to the effort you put in in the gym, you are better off not bothering with bodybuilding as your results will be paltry at best and possibly harmful at worst. 

Protein intake should be about 2 grams per kilogram of body when trying to build muscle.

Therefore, protein supplements are highly recommended as a way to increase the amount of protein you consume outside of meals. There are a variety of protein sources that newbies may find interesting, such as whey: 

Cheese makers use a byproduct of milk, called whey, to make a powder that is then used in a variety of foods and drinks. It is low in carbohydrates and fat, but high in protein. 

Due to its fast metabolism, it is an excellent option for before or after training, providing your body with the energy it needs.

Casein is another protein that comes from milk. It takes longer to digest than whey, but the amino acids it contains are constantly released for several hours after consumption. 

As it promotes muscle repair and is most effective when taken before bed or during fasting, it is recommended for people who plan to abstain from eating for several hours.

Omega 3: Health = Muscle

When starting out in bodybuilding, omega 3 fatty acids are essential.

Foods such as tuna, salmon, sardines, rapeseed oil and nuts naturally contain omega 3 fatty acids. 

Due to the many positive effects they have on your health, we advise you to start taking this supplement immediately and continue taking it even if you decide to stop exercising.

Omega-3s include two polyunsaturated acids, EPA and DHA, responsible for most of their benefits. 

Specifically, they allow this dietary supplement to improve sadness, relieve joint discomfort (especially useful when moving heavy weights without being used to it) and improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood triglycerides.

Additionally, omega-3s can directly lead to a reduction in body fat. To do this, it is essential to use a high-quality omega-3 food supplement, containing more than 50% DHA and EPA. 

Higher quality products will also have a lower mercury content than lower quality products.

Omega-3 supplements are available in pill or oil form to take by mouth. We recommend that you take them with meals, such as breakfast.

Using Creatine for Beginner Bodybuilders

Creatine is another supplement that beginning bodybuilders could benefit from. However, what is its intended use and why is it constantly advertised in specialty stores and in the media?

Creatine is one of the most studied supplements, since it has been shown to significantly promote the development of muscle mass and increases strength

During weight training, creatine can help you perform more repetitions and lift heavier weights. It is naturally present in red meat or seafood.

Take between 3 and 5g of creatine supplement per day spread between all the meals you have throughout your day or right after finishing your weight training. 

There is still debate about whether creatine should be used by teenagers. Therefore, we suggest this food supplement from the age of 18.