How to activate 4G on Android and iOS phones

El 4G or LTE As it is also known, it is an internet connection used by mobile devices. In this article we are going to instruct you on how to activate 4G on Android phones.  It has this name because it is the next generation, followed by 3G (currently we already have the 5G) This network allows users to establish connections with a higher speed of information exchange, this will be possible anywhere there is 4G coverage.

This type of connection allows the user to navigate with greater fluidity on any site or application that requires the Internet. This system allows you to enjoy streaming content, share files, video calls and all types of online content, since these connections can reach speeds of 100 Mb/s, what it is 10 times more than 3G. 

How to activate 4G on Android phones: step by step 

If you want to enjoy high Internet speeds without the need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network, follow these steps to activate 4G on your Android and iOS mobile devices. 

Activate 4G speed on Android 

If your device works with the Android operating system, you must follow these steps:  

  1. Enter the menu "Settings" of your mobile. To do this you will have to enter the application that is shaped like a gear, or from the notifications menu.  
  1. Then you enter "Connections", this is usually shown first. Once inside you will have to choose "Mobile networks". 
  1. Once inside you will have to verify that the security section is activated. "Data ". If it is deactivated, proceed to enable it.  
  1. Once the previous step has been verified, you must continue to the section "Preferred network type", we will enter there. 
  1. We will be shown a series of options where we will have to choose the one indicated by the 4G. Normally it is something like “4G/3G/2G o automatic".  
  1. Once these steps are completed, you will be telling your mobile device that when it establishes an Internet connection using data, it should do so through a 4G network. 

Activate 4G speed on iOS 

If in your case your mobile device is a iPhone You must follow these steps to activate it: 

  1. Enter the menu "Configuration" which in some cases is called "Settings". This is located within the applications menu and can be identified as the icon made up of several gears.  
  1. Next you will have to enter "Data ".  
  1. A new menu is displayed, where we will have to enter the section "Voice and data"
  1. At this point we will be shown a menu in which we will have several options to mark, there we will have to choose "4G" o "LTE". Both are practically the same since they offer the same internet connection speed. 
  1. With these steps completed, the device will be fully configured and ready to navigate on high-speed 4G connections. 

4G observations

Before activating this service, it is advisable to check that the data plan you have can establish a 4G connection. In the same way, you must be very aware that data consumption with this speed is much higher compared to 3G and 2G. 

If you already have this type of connection activated but want to deactivate it, you can do so by deactivating the use of mobile data from the notifications menu on your device. This type of connection is very useful and improves the user experience browsing on an Android or iOS mobile from anywhere.