Advantages and dangers of sleeping with the fan on

With the arrival of heat, we begin to look for alternatives that allow us to enjoy this season cooler and in a healthier environment, but many times we are not aware that the stuffing can be more expensive than the turkey. That is why we are going to talk on this occasion about the advantages and dangers of sleeping with the fan on, and it is a widely used alternative, among other reasons, due to its low power consumption.

The scorching heat and the search for economic alternatives

Summer in Spain comes with high doses of heat, especially in the south of the peninsula, which means that we have to look for alternatives that allow us to be cooler and with a more pleasant environment.

Today, the air conditioner is not the most interesting solution, especially at night, since many people do not feel good sleeping with it plugged in, to which we must add that the price of electricity is very high. today, so many families have to dose their operation if they do not want to suffer a shock at the end of the month.

Leaving the window open so that the fresh air can come in can be a good solution as long as there is some breeze, and above all we have the possibility of opening more than one window so that there is some draft, but in the same way, there are places where even the Nights are with quite high temperatures.

Finally we have another alternative which is the fan, which has a fairly optimized operation since it consumes little electricity and in return guarantees a constant breeze.

Even modern fans have settings designed for sleeping with the fan on, so that they not only oscillate, but also vary their power throughout the night to offer more pleasant ventilation.

All this is what makes the fan the one chosen and with a lot of difference to be able to rest peacefully, but it is important to consider not only the advantages, but also the dangers of sleeping with the fan on, since all that glitters is not gold. .

Main advantages and dangers of sleeping with the fan on

We have listed what we consider to be the main advantages and the main dangers of sleeping with the fan on so that you can know all the details.

The advantages of sleeping with the fan on

We start with the advantages of sleeping with the fan on:

  • Cooler environment: the fan will force the ventilation of the room air, creating a flow of fresh air that improves comfort.
  • Oxygenation: By being in a better ventilated environment, we will enjoy better breathing during sleeping hours.
  • Goodbye to night sweats: Helps regulate body temperature, reducing feelings of heat and annoying night sweats.
  • White noise: Fans produce what is known as white noise, which is basically a constant sound, which blocks out other negative noises and can be very relaxing.
  • closed room: allows you to sleep with the room closed, that is, without the need to keep doors and windows open, which will improve our security and at the same time enjoy a quieter and more peaceful environment.
  • Humidity: The fan will reduce the risk of humidity accumulating, making it difficult for the mode to develop in the room, which favors the evaporation of sweat and allows you to enjoy a healthier environment.

The dangers of sleeping with the fan on

It is also important to take into account the dangers of sleeping with the fan on:

  • Humidity: In very dry areas, the fan can create drier environments than we would like or what would be advisable for good health.
  • Allergens: By extracting air from the room and pushing it towards us, it may also be dragging dust, pollen, hair and other allergens, which is negative for people who suffer from allergies.
  • Dehydration:By promoting the evaporation of sweat, it also encourages the evaporation of moisture not only from the skin but also from the respiratory tract, which means that we will lose a greater amount of water during the night.
  • Eye dryness: If the fan hits us directly in the face, it can promote dryness in the eyes, causing redness and the appearance of irritation and itching.
  • Sore throat: If the fan hits our face directly, it will promote dryness in the throat, leading to discomfort and even pain in the throat area.
  • Hypothermia: If the temperature drops a lot throughout the night and the fan is being used at a high speed, we can develop hypothermia, although this only occurs in very specific cases.

How to make sleeping with the fan on have all the advantages

As we can see, we have as many advantages as disadvantages when sleeping with the fan on, but the truth is that there are some tricks that can reduce the negative part to a minimum, among which we highlight:

  • Always stay well hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day.
  • Although not necessary, it may be interesting to keep the room open to improve ventilation.
  • We will prevent the air from the fan from hitting us directly all night.
  • It is advisable to use a fan designed with a night mode, which combines the oscillation of the device with changes in the speed of rotation of the blades, thus causing variable gusts and some interruptions in the air flow.
  • Especially prevent the air from directly impacting the face constantly.
  • If we live in a very dry area, it may be interesting to use a humidifier as support to improve the level of humidity in the room and avoid dehydration, loss of humidity, sore throat and dry eyes.
  • The fan must always be very clean and free of dust, since this will prevent the projection of many allergens.
  • There are fans that have a programmer, ideal for those places where it is hot when we go to bed but during the early hours it cools down, so that the device will stop automatically, avoiding discomfort.
  • Babies and older people with health problems should not leave the fan on overnight if it is blowing directly on them.
  • Using the oscillator can help to better ventilate the entire room while avoiding direct impact.

Now that you know the advantages and dangers of sleeping with the fan on, as well as some safety tricks, it is time to put them into practice and start enjoying cooler and more pleasant nights, and we must not forget that rest It is essential for good physical and mental health.