How to search Facebook by city and other tricks

If you are having trouble finding your friends on Facebook, we are going to explain how to search on Facebook by city and other tricks that will be very helpful to you. What we are going to teach you today will help you find that friend from childhood, school or someone you met on your vacation once and for all. These are very simple but effective tricks.  

However, it is correct to clarify that this person, in addition to having a Facebook account, must also have a privacy setting that allows the search to be carried out, since if they have a setting that does not allow them to be identified or appear in the results, they will not No matter how hard you look for it, you won't get it.  

Get to search Facebook by city with advanced search 

This advanced search is not enabled for the Spanish language, so it will be necessary to change the language to English, to do this follow the following steps: 

  1. Login to "Configuration" and then to "Idiom".  
  1. We will be asked In what language do you want to use Facebook?  to which we will respond “English (US)”. We will save the changes and that's it.  

When you make this change and search for a person's name, we will see that an advanced search menu appears on the left. This will contain the following filters: 

  • City. 
  • Education. 
  • Job. 
  • Friends in common. 

For example, if you intend to look for Andrea and you know that she resides in Madrid, in addition to studying at the Autonomous University of Madrid, it will only be enough to follow the following steps.  

  1. Search for Andrea in the Facebook search engine. 
  1. Next, in the advanced search filters on the left, we put in the search filter “City” the name of the city, in this case Madrid.  
  1. Additionally in the filter "Education" We must write the name of the educational institution.  

By establishing this Facebook filter, it will show us the results of all the people whose name is Andrea in their Facebook account, who is located within the city of the search, and who also study at the educational center that we indicate.  

In this way, we can carry out a simple search without the need to know the person's full name or surname.  

Other search tricks 

By using these search filters, they will greatly help you find those people about whom you have little current information. Now, if you are looking for several people, this method will take you some time. 

Below we will show you some tricks and shortcuts that we can use to improve the search. Before we begin, we must note that it only works with the English version. For these searches we must use a series of keywords in the search engine, which are: 

  • Friends who are female: shows you your female friends. 
  • Friends who are male: shows you your male friends. 
  • From: to find out a person's profile by location. 
  • Example: Julia from Barcelona. 
  • Friends of my friends who live in: shows you the friends of your friends who live in a certain place. Example: Friends of my friends who live in Barcelona.
  • Friends of: friends of a person. Example: Friends of Julia.
  • My friends that live in: search for your friends who live in a certain city. Example: my friends that live in Bogota, Colombia. 
  • Friends of my friends who are single: Friends of your friends who are single. 
  • Friends who like: search for friends with specific interests (who like something or a page). 
  • Example: friends who like HBO. To improve the search, the best thing you can do is use other variations of keywords, but they must always be in English. 

These are some of the most effective tricks to search on Facebook by city. When you know the first name but not the last name, this way can lead you to who you want to find.