How to get free Robux for Roblox 2020

Nowadays how to get free Robux for Roblox 2020 It is a highly sought after topic. And Roblox is one of the games which is most popular today. This game has a design and gameplay that keeps the player hooked for hours. Now, everyone wants to look good and for that they need to buy clothes and accessories, which are bought with real money, which in the game is called Robux.  

The normal thing is to buy Robux using real money, however, if we do not have the ability to make this purchase we will have to resort to alternative and free methods. The most common thing is to see players who make the mistake of resorting to hacks or malicious programs to access these.  

That is why we want to guide you to the methods so that you can get free Robux and not go through the experience of losing an account due to using hacks. Pay attention to know how to get free Robux for Roblox 2020. 

Beware of free Robux scams

Before starting to talk about the methods to earn free Robux, I would not like to warn you about the robux generators. Please note that this does not exist. Never believe those users who comment that they have one that works, the first thing you should do is report it and prevent yourself or other users from falling into their trap. 

Likewise, never, for any reason, trust pages that offer you Robux in exchange for your personal data. Although there are some sites that are safe, but you have to be very careful which ones you go into. 

4 real methods to earn Robux for free 

All these methods that we are going to show you are totally real and safe. It should be remembered that these are methods offered by the Roblox developers themselves, and that you probably do not know them.  

sell items 

In order to use this practice, you must be subscribed to roblox premium. With this you can start selling or making objects. It is possible to create clothes and then start marketing them. If you have great creativity, you may make some pretty cool clothes that catch people's attention and want to buy them from you.  

Sale of Game Passes 

The game pass, in case you didn't know, they are special tickets that allow the buyer to obtain new skills and benefits. This is when it is within a certain game. These can improve certain characteristics such as speed, strength or endurance. The moment you can create your own video game, you will have the possibility of creating Game Passes and then selling them at the price that best suits you. It should be noted that if you are within roblox premium You will have access to 70% of all the profits you generate. Now, if not, you will only be able to access 10% of all the profits you can generate.  

Sell ​​Game Access 

Keep in mind that Game Access They are related to the point we discussed previously. These tickets allow users to access the games. In short, it is pay to play. However, in this method of getting free Robux, it is of great importance that the game is really good, or the profits will be negligible. You will have to place the price of the Game Access in a range that goes from 25 to 1000 Robux. With respect to profits, the same thing happens as in the previous point.  


These are quite sought after and a free alternative to get free Robux. There are many places where we can get them, although they usually expire quickly. You should also be on the lookout for when these come out.