How to know the hosting of a website

It is possible that some of our readers will occasionally have the need to know the hosting of a website, and for this of course we want to give you a hand by giving you the best recommendations based on our knowledge. Next we are going to explain two systems that we are convinced will be very useful to you.

How to know the hosting of a website

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Tools to find out hosting

What hosting do you use…?

This is a very interesting page with which we can find out the hosting of a website very quickly and easily.

Of course, first of all it is essential that we take into account that this is a Spanish service and that it is focused on the country pages Spanish speakersthat is to say Spain y Latin America.

In order to know the hosting of a return through this service, the first thing we will do is enter the official website of What hosting do you use…? And immediately we will find a bar where we will only have to enter the address whose hosting we want to find out.

find out hosting

We will enter the complete address, that is, of the type, something very useful if we copy and paste. However, we can also directly enter the name, such as


It is a very easy to use tool and in which we don't need to register To use their services, it is free, and to use it all you have to do is enter the URL of the website and it will give us the host information and in some cases what plans they have contracted.


On the other hand, we can also count on this service where we will have at our disposal the possibility of finding and knowing the hosting of a website regardless of whether it is a Spanish, Latin American page or any other part of the world.

Its operation is exactly the same as in the previous case, since all we have to do is enter the address in the box that appears when entering the whoishostingthis official page and click on the button that begins the search.


In just a few seconds we will get the answer, and although many times it does not appear clearly, if we look at the servers name We can get a pretty rough idea.

We must also take into consideration that sometimes it is possible that some of the results pages may lead to confusion, so we will only use these services as a guide but to the extent possible we will always try to collect more data.

Another important point is knowing not only the hosting of a website but also the place where the website belongs. domain. However, we will explain these aspects in more detail from now on, and of course we are also going to prepare some tutorials with which we will try to ensure that all our readers can understand in a simple and clear way each and every one of the ins and outs of the Internet.

For this reason, we encourage you to add all your doubts in the comments section and in this way we will focus especially on those that affect a greater number of users.

And of course, if you know other ways to know the hosting of a website, we encourage you to participate by sharing it with us.