This is how you can save when buying on AliExpress in 2024

AliExpress is one of the most popular and frequented ecommerce sites when it comes to purchasing products over the Internet. One of its main advantages is that it allows us to buy items of all kinds at a very good price, which represents significant savings for our pockets.

Now, even though we find very affordable products in this online store, it is always possible to save even more. As? You just have to implement the following tips. Take note.

Buy when there are offers

One of the best ways to save on AliExpress is to shop when there are deals. Although there are always sales on featured products, there are specific days when discounts are widespread. These are, for example, dates like Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday. Furthermore, on AliExpress it is 11.11, that is, every November 11 you can get very succulent discounts in hundreds of articles. Of course, you will have to wait for those days to arrive.

Purchase products from China

For a few years now it has been possible to resort to AliExpress Plaza, the Spanish version of this ecommerce. One of its great advantages is that all items are shipped from Spain and have a national guarantee.

The only drawback we can say is that the products tend to have a higher price and have a somewhat smaller catalogue. Therefore, if you want to save when buying on AliExpress It is best that you opt for the Chinese web version with shipments from this country. It may take a little longer, but in certain situations it is more worth it.

In any case, always look first at the price difference between both stores.

Request your freebies

What exactly are freebies? These are items that some sellers offer for free, although in a short period of time. Basically they are products that you will receive at home at no cost, although as a thank you you will have to write a review or opinion on the seller's page. The freebie is raffled among all applicants, although if you order too many, who knows? maybe you'll end up getting lucky. Of course, as we say, you have to return them after trying them for a while.

Benefit from coupons and coins

One of the best ways to save on AliExpress is to use coupons or coins. These are gift vouchers, that you can activate at the time of paying with a certain value. It is possible to get them in different ways. We recommend that you enter the main website and click on Currencies. In this section you are given several a day, allowing you to get more by playing games.

Meanwhile, some of these coupons are also available when you have spent a certain amount on other purchases. Note that The more you spend, the more discounts they will give you for future products. As a general rule, these discounts are given by sellers, but it is also possible that the store itself gives them to you from time to time.

Share to get discounts

Yes, as you read it. To save when purchasing on AliExpress you just have to get other users to buy products. To do this, open the left side menu in the AliExpress app. If you look closely, you will see the Share and Earn section. You can discover a selection of items that give you a commission if you share them with other users and they buy them.