Minecraft Course for Education

One of the most popular games today is Minecraft. For years it gained fame due to its multifunctionality, becoming a great open source game that allowed users to design textures and mods in order to improve playability and aesthetics.

However, despite being a game for children, it was applied in institutions due to certain characteristics of it. Read on to find out why you should take this Minecraft course for education and what you can find in it, as well as how to make the most of it.

Why use a Minecraft course for education?

It is a game that is based on cubes, thanks to which you can make constructions in an infinite world. There is no limit in the PC version, but there is in its mobile version. The good thing is that the company is constantly improving the app so that it resembles its computer version. In any case, this is not a limitation so that you can use it as part of your educational system.

El Minecraft course for education What we offer gives you a new vision of this game, which can be used online or offline. One of the most important points lies in the possibility of building structures: houses, castles, mansions, dungeons, and more.

However, it is also ideal for teaching. Remember that it is based on cubes, with which you will be able to understand the basic principles of mathematics. There are also teachers who have taught their students about proportions, area, perimeter, patterns, coordinates, and more spatial things using this game.

Learn to Program in Minecraft

Who is this Minecraft for education course intended for?

More than a course for students, it is a Minecraft course for education intended for teachers to learn the appropriate way to apply this game in their teaching method. This will allow them to have a new vision of Minecraft.

On the other hand, you do not need knowledge about the game to take this course, considering that topics related to it will be covered: from the most basic to its application in the educational system.

The only thing you will need is a computer with Windows 10 and 2 GB of RAM so you can start the program. Not to mention a stable internet connection, so that you have full access to the Minecraft course for education without interruptions.

What will you find in this Minecraft for education course?

The course is taught by a series of professionals graduated from Early Childhood Education and Teaching. For years they have studied the way children learn and how they can take advantage of resources like Minecraft to improve their memorization capacity. This resource lasts 80 minutes, which are divided into a dozen training modules.

What skills can your students develop with this Minecraft for education course?

In 2014 Mojang, the company that founded Minecraft, was purchased by the technology giant Microsoft for a total of $2.50Bn. Since then he has leaned too much towards education. A year after the acquisition, the Minecraft: Educational Edition version was presented, which greatly facilitated the learning of various programming languages ​​(including JavaScript) and the learning of mathematics or the periodic table of chemistry.

In the following paragraphs we will explain all the potential that you can get from this Minecraft course for education:

Learn to manage tangent resources

One of the appealing features of Minecraft is that it puts students to solve problems from day one. As you play, you need to acquire new resources and find specific objects to advance within the virtual world. In this way, your students must set objectives and establish priorities, acquiring their goals and moving up to the next difficulty.

On the other hand, the game has too many features. This means that on more than one occasion you will have to resort to trial and error or searching the internet to find a solution. This research work allows them to improve their analytical capacity and resilience skills.

They learn programming

In a world that is becoming more and more digital, you must understand that programming is an important aspect, and with this course Minecraft for education You will know the bases that make it ideal for teaching this skill. More specifically, Java. Through the creation of mods, young people will be able to develop a better environment, lean towards problem solving, and unleash their creativity.

They improve in mathematics

Because Minecraft is a three-dimensional game based on cubes, mathematics and dimension concepts are very important. Here we have the surface, volume, and length of the structures. It is also important to highlight the fact that users can play with perspectives, either creating decorations in 3D or 2D. Without going any further, there are ways to promote other sciences or practices, such as chemistry. There are many inventions that you can rely on, such as the one developed by the University of Hull in Yorkshire, England.

Conflict resolution

It is easy to encounter more than one obstacle within this game. For this reason, children must put into practice problem solving, which is based on, first, identifying it; second, look for a solution; Third, act accordingly to overcome the obstacle. This process is repeated over and over again. So it not only encourages an entrepreneurial character, but also improves their resilience when they must constantly change strategies.

You can also stimulate it with the help of special educational projects. They are designed for users to solve a series of minor sub-problems, but which, over time, become more complicated.

In this way, many teachers have encouraged critical thinking and logic among their students. Finally, you can motivate teamwork by getting them to compete, dividing them into several groups. In this way you will analyze his behavior working with others and with himself.

encourages creativity

El Minecraft course for education What we offer motivates creativity in users, in such a way that it allows them to try an amalgamation of paths to achieve the same goal. There are too many things to do in this game, both internally and externally, with creating textures and mods. The important thing is to make room for children's imagination, and in this course you will understand everything you need to know about it.