Electric scooters suffer a limitation to circulate in the city

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. electric scooters They have been a headache to integrate them into municipal ordinances, which meant that for a time there was a legal vacuum. Currently, there is still no firm regulation, and after almost two years since their appearance in Spain, the laws for these mobility vehicles are still not 100% known.

Although the legislation is not entirely clear, after the rapid proliferation of this type of vehicle and the great misinformation among drivers, the DGT decided to take action on the matter. And, on December 4, 2019, a provisional regulation was imposed, which addresses issues such as the maximum speed allowed and the place where they must circulate, as well as the corresponding fines for violating any rule.

The current regulations for electric scooters

The provisional rule imposed by the DGT establishes that the maximum speed allowed for this type of personal mobility vehicle must be 25 kilometers per hour, and that it is also strictly prohibited to circulate with the vehicle. electric scooter along the sidewalk. This regulation also imposed a ban on drunk driving and a ban on using mobile phones.

Next, we will show the rules imposed by the DGT and its corresponding sanction:

  • Driving drunk or under the influence of narcotic substances. Drivers will be required to take the corresponding tests and if they drive under the influence of alcohol they could face a fine of up to 500 euros, while driving under the influence of illegal substances would entail a fine of up to 1.000 euros.
  • Use of mobile phone. In the same way that a person who drives a car and uses her cell phone is fined for it, a person who drives an electric scooter and uses the phone will be fined 200 euros.
  • Use of headphones. This is also sanctioned by the DGT, and using headphones while driving can interfere with concentration and make it difficult to hear your surroundings. Therefore, failure to comply with this may result in a fine of up to 200 euros.
  • Circulate on the sidewalk. This law had already been implemented for some time, since article 121 of the RGC prohibits any vehicle from traveling on the sidewalk. Failure to comply with this rule could result in a fine of 200 euros.
  • Circulate more than 1 person per scooter. Personal mobility vehicles are manufactured so that only one person can circulate on them. Therefore, if there are more than two people on an electric scooter, it will lead to a fine of 100 euros.

Regarding the regulations, it should be noted that the use of a helmet will depend on the municipality in which you are located, since the DGT did not take action on the matter on this issue. Likewise, the use of a reflective vest will be mandatory, since failure to use it will be committing a crime of negligence punishable by 200 euros.

Regulation highly criticized by users of electric scooters

At the time that the DGT's provisional regulations were announced, thousands of drivers of electric scooters, as well as other personal mobility vehicles, protested the abusive measures. And, some associations criticize this regulation because it makes the use of electric scooters unviable, since they believe that the current vision of the DGT is erroneous, thinking that this type of vehicle is only used for short distances, when the The reality is very different, since the majority of users use it for distances of more than 6 kilometers. Likewise, they have also protested to be able to use the bike lanes to be able to circulate without the risk of being hit by a car, since this is another of the obvious fears on the part of electric scooter drivers.