Facebook Business Do you know what it is?

Most companies invest more in their digital tools and this is because the majority of sales are now online, thanks to the fact that users or customers prefer to make purchases through a mobile device and from wherever they want. For many years ago, experts would have spoken that businesses through the web would have extensive growth. But what about Facebook business.

With these advances and seeing how businesses grow and grow through web pages, social network developers have said Present! Within online businesses, this is why they have decided to offer their users simple tools to offer their services. Such is the case of the social media phenomenon Facebook, who have offered the well-known: FacebookBusiness.

What is Facebook Business?

Facebook Business is also known as Fanpage, which is different from a personal profile, as it has some special functions or features, such as an ads and business manager. Facebook has been increasing functions for its users, to make it easier for entrepreneurs to do their business within the famous social network. 

Through payments, the administrators of a fan page can publish ads that in a few seconds after being published obtain hundreds of visits, comments and even purchases. The more a product is promoted, the more opportunities people have to increase sales, we are in the era of spamming!

There is no way to rule out the idea of ​​promoting a small or large business through social networks, nowadays people spend more time on social networks than looking at physical stores. Seeing this, we can say that there are stores that have dedicated themselves only to the business through social networks, not having physical stores.

Advantages of using Facebook Business

For everything we have already talked about, the benefits of using digital businesses are logical, but we will talk about the advantages that Facebook Business has, Facebook being a social network with approximately 2.271 million users globally.

Sales at any time

In the case of a physical store, only when it is during business hours can sales be generated, but if you have a Facebook Business page, the customer can make purchases 24 hours a day, this is one of the reasons. why sales increase radically on social networks.

Marketing Strategies

Facebook Business offers a help section, so that entrepreneurs who do not know very well how to do digital marketing do not have problems taking their business online. So it is possible that without the help of a professional you can create quality content that generates many visits, and thus increases sales.

Companies on Facebook business

Trust in clients Nowadays, customers go to physical stores being recommended by others who have gone or because they have seen it on social networks. It is possible for a customer to trust a company by seeing the positive comments they make on the company's fan page.