How to install the Chromecast on my PC

chromecast It is a product that has been manufactured by Google, and whose main function is to send content from different devices, such as a tablet, mobile phone or computer, to your television. The problem is that many users have doubts about How to install the Chromecast on the PC. Therefore, in this article we will discuss this topic.

Learn how to install the Chromecast

Before installing the Chromecast on the PC, you must have previously configured it on the television. There are many tutorials on YouTube that show you how to do this, but below we will explain it to you in a summarized way.

Settings on tv

To make an optimal installation you must follow the following steps:

  1. Plug the Chromecast into the HDMI port on your television.
  2. Subsequently, you must connect it to the power outlet so that it has power.
  3. Next, you must access the menu where the Chromecast is connected, and a welcome screen will appear.

With these simple steps, you will have configured your device to television, so now you can do the same but with your PC. If you have not been able to configure it, we advise you to watch the following video:

Install the Chromecast on the PC

To do this, we will have to enter Chrome from our computer, and we will have to identify ourselves with our Google username. Once we have done this, we will have to follow the following instructions:

  • We will have to install the Chromecast extension.
  • Next, we must open said extension, and the following screen will appear:
install chromecast
  • Next, we go to the gear wheel (located at the top right).
  • Once inside "Settings" we will have to find an option that says "Media Library". We click on it, and click on "Add new folder", at this point we will have to add the multimedia content that we want to view.
  • To synchronize it with the television we must download the videostream app.

If you still have any questions about how to install the Chromecast on your PC, you can watch this video in which they explain it in detail: