Play on Rollercoin to earn free cryptocurrencies

When we talk about P2E games, or rather, play to win, one of the most ubiquitous pages in this category is called Rollercoin. It is one of the sites with the most history and has generated great returns for its users. It has a wide variety of games with very diverse objectives and that satisfy all tastes. However, keep in mind that its main purpose is to reward you with coins in exchange for your participation on the page.

How the page works

Rollercoin tries to act as an online mining simulator. In reality, it is all a fiction, although the mechanism it uses to reward you is inspired by it. With each game you solve you receive a reward in the form of “energy”, this means that the supposed blockchain block to be distributed will be divided depending on how much energy you have contributed to the system.

The blocks are released every 10 minutes, so there will be 6 coin distributions per hour. In each one you will be assigned the amount of coins equivalent to your energy contribution. You choose the currency in which you want to receive the prize. You can choose Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin or the internal currency of the RLT page.

What do I have to have to make money with Rollercoin

There is no requirement to start using this site, you just have to enter it and register with your account. You can do it through Facebook or through an email account, which you must confirm by accessing a confirmation link that will be sent to your inbox. Outside of this, no other requirements will be required of you.

Is it possible to make money with Rollercoin

We have clarified that every 10 minutes, you will automatically be awarded a certain amount of coins depending on the currency you have chosen. You have to keep in mind that the amount varies depending basically on two factors. The first is the amount of energy you contribute to the program's fictitious mining and the second factor will be the number of users who are active on the page.

The further you progress in the game you will realize that winning the amount necessary to reach the payout threshold can be somewhat tedious. Especially since other more experienced users capture a large amount of the coin distribution thanks to their high levels of energy provided. They achieve this with special machinery that provides energy without having to play, which they can buy by investing real dollars or investing the RLT earned in the game. Until you can reach a considerable amount of energy, playing and winning can become difficult.

However, your second option will be to get a good source of referrals. The game allows you to obtain benefits from the earnings of users whose entry to the page was through a referral link of yours. You can get it in the referral section. Each one has a specific code that identifies you and so the page can know who has joined the program thanks to your advertising.

How the latest page update affects profits

Rollercoin has remained unchanged for a long period of time. However, in recent months it has been announcing a series of modifications that would make the page a new, more dynamic and entertaining way to earn money.

The problem with all this work is that thanks to it, the number of users of the page has increased exponentially. This brought about an additional problem that the page moderators are not solving, the number of points necessary to be able to obtain an attractive profit has moved considerably away from the possibility of new users. Now it costs much more than before (although it is not impossible) to get a good portion of coins with each block release.

Although the update is relatively new, it is expected that in the coming months, the page will once again be as profitable as before. Although you should keep in mind that the idea is not to become a millionaire, nor to supplant your monthly salary. Therefore, any benefit obtained is usually modest.

What is electricity in Rollercoin

In addition to the energy section, you will also notice that there is a section called electricity with different colored buttons. It is nothing more than a way to keep your interest on the page periodically. As with the battery of mobile phones, the batteries must be recharged from time to time. The idea of ​​electricity is that the indicator lights are always at the fullest part, otherwise, all your mining machinery that you may have running will turn off until you press the “recharge” button again.

What happens to the energy I produce with my won games?

The energy generated with each game you win will be maintained over time depending on the level of computer you have. The longer you play, the more you will be assigned a different computer. At first, with the most basic computer the energy points will expire after 24 hours, however, if you reach the maximum level the points will remain undamaged for 7 days. Therefore, you should know that your energy will always expire sooner or later. This will keep you on the page periodically.

Is Rollercoin reliable?

Yes, the page really has a long history on the internet. In addition, its referrals are very good and the profits can be interesting if you have a good source of referrals that work alongside you. The latest updates have made the page a little more tedious but not impossible, consistent with this type of page, it is quite similar to others. Although special mention must be made of the fact that it is the only one whose style is much more playful than that of other faucet pages.

Rollercoin pays its users

Yes, Rollercoin has been a very responsible site and fulfills its payments in a timely manner. To obtain your payment you must go to the withdraw section and enter the personal address of your wallet where you want your cryptocurrencies to be deposited. The rest is all page work.