Prefix 965: Who is calling me?

Is your phone ringing and you see that it starts with the prefix 965? Perhaps, if you have come this far it is because you cannot identify what place it could be. The prefix 965 corresponds to the province of Alicante. Thus, a call received from a number starting with 965 comes from a landline in the name of an individual or company located in this place.

Where is the prefix 965 from?

The prefix 965 is the one used in the province of Alicante. It is divided into 14 districts: Orihuela, Elche – Vinalopo, Benidorm, Almoradi, Benissa, Jijona, Alicante – Avenida, Alcoy – Plaza, Denia, Villena, Pego and Petrer. Therefore, a telephone number that begins with 965 will correspond to any of these districts. What we have to keep in mind is that the numbers that follow 965 are the ones that will give us clues as to which specific district the number corresponds to.

Alicante telephone prefix 965

Prefix 965 in the district of Alcoy: Telephones starting with 965002, 965051, 965082, 96533, 965503, 96551, 96552, 96553, 96554, 96556, 965590, 965591, 965592, 965593, 965594, 965597 965599, 9655965, 9655966, 9655967, 9655968, 9655969, 9655982 and XNUMX .

Prefix 965 in the Alicante district: Telephones starting with 965000, 965018, 965019, 965041, 965042, 965043, 965044, 965045, 965049, 965050, 965058, 965060, 965081, 9650856, 9650857 9650858, 9650859, 96510, 96511, 96512, 96513, 96514, 96515, 96516, 96517, 96518, 96520, 96521, 96522, 96523, 96524, 96525, 96526, 96528, 965292, 965293, 965500, 965502, 965627, 96563, 96564 96565, 96566, 96567, 96590, 96591, 96592, 96593, 96594, 96595, 965960, 965961, 965965, 965968, 965969, 965970, 965974, 965975, 965976, 965977, 965978, 965979, 9659710, 9659711, 9659712, 9659713 9659714, 96598, XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the Amoradi district: Telephones starting with 965008, 965010, 965083, 965290, 965501, 965505, 965509, 9655950, 9655951, 9655980, 96570, 96571, 96572, 965962, 965967 965971 and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the Benidorm district: Telephones starting with 965004, 965013, 965040, 965046, 965053, 965084, 965504, 9655952, 9655953, 9655954, 9655955, 9655981, 96583, 96584, 96585 96586, 965870, 965871, 965872, 965873, 965874, 965875, 965876, 965878, 965879, 9658770, 9658771, 9658772, 9658773, 9658774, 96588, 96589, 965972 and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the district of Benissa: Telephones starting with 965011, 965506, 9655956, 9655983, 96573, 96574, 965973.

Prefix 965 in the district of Denia: Telephones starting with 965006, 965054, 9650850, 9650851, 9650852, 9650853, 9650854, 9650860, 9650861, 965507, 965579, 9655957, 9655958, 9655984 96575, 96576, 96577, 96578, 96579, 965974 and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the district of Elche – Vinalopo: Telephones starting with 965001, 965047, 965048, 965052, 965059, 965080, 9650855, 96540, 96541, 96542, 96543, 96544, 96545, 96546, 96548, 96549 96555, 965972, 965973, 9659715, 9659716, 9659717, 9659718, 9659719 and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the district of Jinona: Telephones starting with 965012, 9650870, 9650871, 9650872, 9650873, 9650874, 965508, 9655959, 9655985, 96560, 96561, 965620, 965621, 965622, 965623, 965624 965625, 965626, 965628, 965629, 96569, 965963, 965975 and XNUMX .

Prefix 965 in the district of Orihuela: Telephones starting with 965003, 965014, 965055, 9650875, 9650876, 9650877, 9650878, 9650879, 965291, 96530, 96531, 96532, 96535, 96536, 9655960, 9655961 9655986, 9658775, 9658776, 9658777, 9658778, 9658779, 965966, 965976 and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the district of Pego: Telephones starting with 965009, 965088, 965570, 965571, 965572, 965573, 965574, 965575, 965576, 965577, 965578, 96558, 9655962, 9655987, 965964 965977 and XNUMX.

Prefix 965 in the district of Petrer: Telephones starting with 965007, 965056, 965089, 96537, 96538, 96539, 96547, 9655963, 9655988 and 965978

Prefix 965 in the district of Villena: 965005, 965057, 9650862, 9650863, 9650864, ​​9650865, 9650866, 9650867, 9650868, 9650869, 96534, 9655964, 9655989, 96580, 96581, 96582 and 965979.

How much does a 965 call cost?

If you are in Alicante, or in one of the districts where the 965 prefix is ​​used, and you want to make a call from a landline, it is essential that you keep in mind that the price may change depending on the rate you have contracted. The best thing is that you tell with some with free calls to landlines. This way, you can not worry, since the call will cost you absolutely nothing on your monthly bill.

On the contrary, if you do not have zero euro calls, In any case, you may not have to pay anything either. per minute, although you do have to pay for the call setup, which is usually around 30 cents (depending on the company).

In any case, when faced with any type of doubt, the most sensible thing is that before calling that fixed number Request information through your company's customer service. Only then can you be sure of your rate type., and what the consequence of making a call from a landline with a 965 prefix would be on your bill.

They have also been presented Spam cases through this prefix, this number being frequent with which you have to be careful: 965060482, has incidents with the offering of false offers, so if you see it reflected on your screen, it is advisable that you do not accept the call. The operator of these calls can assure you that he makes them on behalf of Endesa, Vodafone, Jazztel, etc. But these companies assure that they have no relationship with this number, nor with those that are close to it, such as 965060479 or 965060481,

What is certain is that they have a bad intention, which may be to access your personal data, or obtain information from you that can be used to create a database. It is advisable to block these calls, so that you are not caught off guard and accept it without realizing it. Knowing the number makes it easier for you to add it to the blacklist of contacts.