HomeProgramming Languages

Programming Languages

XML: What it is, advantages and characteristics

PHP, HTML, Java, JS... There are a large number of languages ​​that can be used when programming a web page. Each...

PHP code to create a password

There are some pages like https://www.fosshub.com/ where you can download thousands of Open Source applications without problems. But from tecnologia.net we want to contribute day...

Code to show the price of Bitcoin on your WEB

From tecnologia.net we continue to give you codes to use on your website, there are more and more sites that show the value of Bitcoin in...

Icons and Emojis for the titles of your WEBSITE

More and more icons are seen in the searches we do in search engines that attract us like flies and make our mouse...

Everything you need to know before studying video game design

Those of us who have a great passion for video games at some point in our lives have considered developing one, and that is...

Do you know the Arduino project? Learn everything you need

Currently, the hardware and free software industry has grown excessively with the Arduino Project. A computer board intended for the creation of almost any premise

What is JavaScript used for and why should you use it?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world. However, we often encounter the following question from...

The most popular programming languages

It doesn't matter if you're an experienced programmer or a beginner, there are many reasons to think about learning one of the many programming languages...

8 Most Popular Beginner Programming Languages

When it comes to programming languages, there are a multitude of new developments, changes, and features every year. There is a trend in the following languages...

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