What is JavaScript used for and why should you use it?

JavaScript is one of the languages programming most popular in the world. However, we often encounter the following question from beginners: “What is JavaScript actually used for?”

It's easy to answer: In addition to HTML and CSS, JavaScript forms the basis for front-end web development. Allows the creation of interactive elements on your website. This is, of course, the simplest explanation for this. So, below, we want to take a closer look at what JavaScript is used for and why you should learn it.

Let's answer the most important question: What is JavaScript?

Simply put, JavaScript is a programming language. object oriented programming designed to make web development easier and more attractive. In most cases, JavaScript is used to create interactive and responsive elements for websites. We do all this to make it as easy as possible for the website visitor to use our site.

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Elements such as menus, animations, embedded video players, interactive maps, and even complex browser games can be created quickly and easily with JavaScript. It is important to know that there are three different languages ​​that work hand in hand to make modern websites and applications possible (such as a accounting or management program). These are:

  1. HTML or hypertext markup language. HTML is used to bring content to a page. This markup language allows you to add content such as text, images, links and even videos to your website. With HTML you can, for example, place a login button at a certain point on your website.
  2. CSS It is used to style the inserted content using HTML. Following the previous example, CSS would allow you to change and "beautify" the shape, size, color and style of the login button you inserted using HTML.
  3. With JavaScript you can create web parts interactively. It can be used in conjunction with HTML and CSS and is an essential tool for any web developer. To complete the example above, JavaScript code would be used to make your login button perform the required actions (log in as a user when the button is clicked).

If you want to become a front-end web developer, you must have a good working knowledge of all three languages.

What is JavaScript used for?

In addition to interactive web elements, with a good JavaScript knowledge you can create the following things:

Browser games

If you are interested in Internet games and game development, you should use your JavaScript skills to create your own browser-based games. While the complexity of browser games quickly reaches its limits, JavaScript is as good as any other language when it comes to create browser games.

Creating simple games is also a great way to practice your JavaScript skills. Download a code editor, come up with a simple game idea, and take some time to build it.

Mobile apps

While most mobile apps are developed with operating system-specific languages ​​like Swift (iOS) or Java (Android), there's no reason you can't build apps with JavaScript. The implementation of frameworks such as Apache Cordova, Phonegap and React Native have made it possible to create mobile applications for multiple operating systems with the same code. The diversity of JavaScript makes it a good choice for developing mobile applications.

Web and server applications

Again, the most common answer to the question » What is JavaScript used for? something like “create interactive web parts”. But that is not all. Creating new libraries and frameworks allows users web developers create a lot of backend programs using JavaScript. This includes things like web applications and server applications. 

JavaScript is becoming as important to back-end web developers as it is to front-end developers. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. JavaScript is a powerful language and most of what you can do with it is only limited by your imagination.

Why should you learn JavaScript?

Now that I've shown you what JavaScript is used for, and yes, there's a lot more you can do besides creating interactive web parts, it's time to look at some of the reasons why you should learn JavaScript. Sure, it would be great if you could create websites and mobile apps, but what exactly does that get you?

Now the good news:

The very fact that you deal with "what you can do with JavaScript" shows that you have some interest in programming. You can quickly take advantage of this interest and even start a career. Let's look at some of the benefits:

Benefits of learning JavaScript

You have questions like “What is JavaScript used for?” and “What does JavaScript do?” clear, but now it's time to dive into some of the benefits of learning JavaScript. Learning to code with JavaScript has a number of advantages, among others

Do you need a promotion?

If you currently work for a company and do less technical work, a good knowledge of JavaScript could help you get a promotion. Even if you are not actively employed as a “developer”, technical knowledge can be very useful and add value to your employer.

Learn to learn!

Although many programmers would deny it, most programming languages They are built quite similarly. The language that is most difficult to learn is always the first programming language.

Once you learn JavaScript, it will be much easier for you to learn new languages. This will allow you to expand your skills and have better professional opportunities.

Earn more money: as an employed or self-employed programmer

Programmers who are fluent in JavaScript are in high demand. Although it doesn't take much time to study compared to highly skilled professions, coding skills have the potential to dramatically increase your income. The javascript programmers Freelancers can charge more than $100 per hour.

What can you do with JavaScript?

The answer to the question » What can you do with JavaScript? » It is by no means easy. When you learn JavaScript, a world of possibilities opens up. Here are some things you could do with your new knowledge:

Become a freelance developer

Are you tired of working to earn someone else's money? Do you want to go out and build your career? If so, it would be best for you to learn how to write code. If you know JavaScript, along with an understanding of things like frameworks and libraries, you'll find freelancing work. As you gain more experience, you'll find that you can easily earn over $100 an hour. Let's face it, what kind of person in their right mind would say no to that!

Redesign your own website

Perhaps your only reason for learning JavaScript is because you're tired of paying ridiculously high hourly rates for freelance developers to modify your website.

If you are familiar with JavaScript, you can make changes to your website on your own. This can save time and money and make the result exactly what you want.

Find a new career learning javascript

Experienced JavaScript developers are in high demand around the world. That means there are tons of career opportunities for developers, even if you don't have much experience. Even junior developers who are familiar with JavaScript have good starting salaries of €40.000 and up. This is an attractive reason for many people to change careers.


Although JavaScript was designed to help front-end web developers create interactive elements, JavaScript use cases have quickly expanded to include things like backend web development, game development and even mobile application development. If any of these things interest you, you should consider learning JavaScript.

Discovering what JavaScript is used for will open your eyes to the benefits of learning to program. Understanding JS increases the chances of a better job, a higher salary, and the opportunity to become self-employed. If you want to learn to program with JavaScript, start with a simple online course that teaches the basics (practice-oriented).