Best Tips for Learning jQuery

Would you like to become a front-end web developer? Do you already have knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and CSS? If so, your next step is learn jQuery. You're probably wondering "What is jQuery?"

What is jQuery?

Simply put, jQuery is a JavaScript library that can do a lot with just a little code. This makes things like event handling, animation, and scrolling HTML documents much easier. jQuery was primarily developed for people with little programming experience.

Consequently, it is relatively easy to understand and use. If you want to become a world-class JavaScript programmer, you need to take some time to learn jQuery.

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Programming JQuery

Tips for learning to program jQuery

Take an online course

If you are looking for a way to learn jQuery quickly and efficiently, then the best advice is to enroll in a good online course. Because? Because they are very easy to use and allow you to learn the content at your own pace. You can also go back to difficult concepts and edit them again if you want to go over them again. If you currently don't have enough money to cover the cost of an online course, you can even apply for a scholarship!

Good JavaScript Basics

jQuery is based on JavaScript. Therefore, it is important to make sure you have a good JavaScript knowledge before even looking at jQuery. It is certainly possible to learn jQuery without JavaScript knowledge, but it is much more difficult. If you don't know much about JavaScript, you should start with an introductory course. There you will get an overview of the basics and how to use JavaScript.

Learn jQuery with a cheat sheet

If you really want to learn jQuery, it's important to familiarize yourself with several different resources. For example, a cheat sheet is a great thing for get the most out of an online course. You don't have to know everything about jQuery to use it. It is much more important to be familiar with the resources you can use if you don't understand concepts or ideas. You can use a cheat sheet to make sure you understand the entire course. You don't have to know everything in your head, but you need to know enough to understand your cheat sheet and, when in doubt, use it to look something up.

Understand the difference between IDs and classes in HTML

You can use jQuery to modify your HTML source code directly. However, to do this, it is important that you understand a little about HTML and how it interacts. There are two attributes you can change with jQuery: ID attributes and class attributes. They are both very different things and should be treated as such. Let's first look at the ID attributes. If you write code in HTML, you can add an ID attribute to important elements. They are unique and can only be used for one element per page. 

La jQuery syntax to address an element with a specific ID is $('#elementID'). Be sure to note the # prefix you use to select the ID. The HTML class attributes are slightly different. They are less selective and used much more frequently. Class attributes can be assigned to any element on a page, including those with an ID. They can be assigned to as many elements as necessary. This is very useful, for example, for grouping similar items. 

The jQuery syntax to address an element according to classes is («.elementClass»). The prefix ". “It is used to select classes. If your HTML and CSS skills are a little rusty, you can work on them again while you learn jQuery.

Learn to store selectors in variables

This tip may only make sense once you've started learning jQuery. It is important learn how to cache selectors efficiently. In the case of buffering, a variable is saved that you can reference again and again. Therefore, jQuery doesn't have to look up the information every time you call a certain object with a selector. As a result, your programs will run faster.

When choosing a variable name for your cached selector, you should be careful to use prefixes to identify the variable as a jQuery object. Most jQuery selectors are prefixed with $. Therefore, it is easier to always use the same syntax when naming variables with jQuery objects.

Learn to distinguish between attributes and properties

Let's go back to HTML for a moment. You may not have known it until now, but the HTML attributes and properties They are two completely different things. It is important to distinguish between the two, as jQuery methods differ depending on the handling method. Attributes can only have those called string values and are determined by the HTML source code. The syntax for using attributes is ().

The properties are different. They are defined by DOM (Document Object Model) and can have values ​​of any type. They are handled with the prop() method. So all you just accept string values can be changed with the attr() method, while anything that accepts other values, including numbers or boolean values, must be processed with the prop() method. If you want to learn more about these and other methods, visit a page on jQuery syntax. There you can take a closer look at prop(), attr() and several other methods.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

If you were one of those people who thought you could learn jQuery quickly, but you gave up because you were “too difficult,” so you should try again. As a JavaScript library, jQuery can be one of the most important tools in your programming toolkit. There are millions of people around the world who are proficient in jQuery. So if you have any questions or problems, you're sure to find help if you look for it.

Online forums are places where people share programming and coding problems to help and interact with each other. If you post your jQuery question on a relevant forum, someone will almost certainly be able to help you. Two good places to go are the official jQuery forum and the jQuery forum on Stack Overflow.

Make sure you are using the latest version of jQuery

jQuery is constantly changing as the library is constantly developed by an active development team. If you want your jQuery experience to be the best, make sure you're on the latest version of jQuery.

If you have any questions or concerns about the current version, you can simply read the official jQuery update manual to see what changes have been made.

Learn jQuery plugins

The accessories are great. Whether you use WordPress, Shopify, jQuery or any other program to create a website, accessories will surely be among your best friends. If you want to use jQuery regularly, there are a few plugins you should know about. The best way to learn about jQuery plugins is to use the jQuery UI library and the jQuery plugins tab. Almost everything you can think of can be found here.

You can use jQuery plugins for many different things. Some are designed to solve problems on web pages, while others are used for specific functions or simple tasks.

Connect with other jQuery users

An essential part of learn to use a programming language or a library is networking with other interested students. You can use one of the forums described above to connect with others and work together to find solutions to problems. However, sometimes it is more useful to meet people in person.

The best way to learn jQuery from other people is to network with a local programming group. You're sure to find groups or events near you on Facebook. You can join any group you find interesting, even if it's not directly a jQuery group. In many groups of JavaScript web development or front-end, you will surely find people with experience in jQuery. These groups are a place for exchange and discussion.

Alternatively, you can try Meetup. Here you will also often find groups on the topic of programming, no matter where you are in the world. Even if there isn't a specific jQuery group where you live, you're sure to find a group of front-end developers who meet regularly. There is also a good chance that at least some of the members are very qualified and can help you with jQuery.


You can use HTML, CSS and JavaScript. What's the next step on your path to becoming a frontend web developer? jQuery! jQuery is a general-purpose JavaScript library that can be used for many things. jQuery is used regularly by the best front-end web developers in the world.

You should first make sure you are familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as you will need all three languages ​​when using jQuery. Then choose a good online course and work carefully. The manuals will help you understand the intricacies of using jQuery. You should also not underestimate networking with the jQuery community.

make your jQuery learning process Step by Step. Notes are great for learning, and by researching and using additional resources, you can better understand even the most difficult concepts.