Shipments to Wallapop return in the New Normal

Now Wallapop has lifted the ban and has announced on its official website that shipments to Wallapop are back, with the slogan “A New Normality. a new one near you. Since the state of alarm began, Wallapop had to adapt to the circumstances of the pandemic, like most businesses. Furthermore, being based on a system where users send products to other users, this was no longer going to be possible. Let's see what their new user protection measures consist of.

We still meet within the de-escalation of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and although there are places that advance in phase before others, businesses are adapting to the new circumstances, increasing security measures and taking greater precaution so that cases of contagion do not skyrocket.

Shipments return to Wallapop

New protection measures in Wallapop when sending products

Wallapop has decided to open its service again, and to do so as safely as possible, it offers a series of tips for users so that they send and receive products responsibly.

Clean the product

This is one of the most important measures to take into account, although they are all relevant. Cleaning the product is essential, for this You can use soap and water and also hydroalcoholic solutions. Depending on the product, you will have to find out how to do it in the best way to clean it. It is recommended that you leave it as you would like to receive it.

Pack with caution

Before packing Try to wash your hands well to eliminate any viruses that there may be. You must avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes and ultimately your face. The best thing you can do to pack it is to wear a mask and gloves.

Protect yourself when you go out

To go to the post office try to follow the safety recommendations described by the government. Always use a mask, hand sanitizer gel and gloves. The best thing right now is not to take any kind of risk.

Follow protocols

The Post Offices have created a specific protocol for the situation we are inyou living. At all times you must follow the instructions of your employees. Keep in mind that they look after both your safety and that of the person who will receive the package.

Don't let your guard down

When you get home, you must continue taking certain precautions, remove your gloves without touching your hands and throw them in the trash, in the same way do the same with your disposable mask. If it is reusable, wash it and let it dry, and wash your hands well with soap and water.

New protection measures in Wallapop when receiving products

New protection measures in Wallapop when receiving products

When receiving the product that we have purchased through Wallapop from another user, even if we trust that all security measures have been followed, we must still protect ourselves.

Open the package with caution

It must be taken into account that depending on the material of the product, COVID-19 may still be there, in case it has been infected. On paper it lasts about 3 hours, on cardboard, boxes and packaging about 8 hours, on clothing, glass and wood 1 to 2 days, and on plastics, banknotes, stainless steel and masks more than 4 days.

Remove the item and put the packaging somewhere to throw it away. For about 40 seconds, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Clean the product

Even if we assume that the seller has cleaned the product well, we cannot trust it and we must clean it ourselves. To avoid damaging it, find out what is the best way to disinfect it without causing damage.

This is how shipments return to Wallapop. Renewed security measures adapted to the New Normal. This leading platform for buying and selling second-hand products has thousands of users and millions of items for sale, so every precaution is insufficient to help users avoid any risk of contagion.