Technology in sports

Through technology in sports, currently we can find all kinds of resources that are specifically developed with the improvement of the sports conditions, targeting both professional athletes and those who use sport as healthy fun, and offering some very interesting advantages in its development.

Technology in sports

What is technology in sports

It is clear that the technology has become an essential part of our lives, but in fact, it goes far beyond what we can imagine, since even what we can do or use every day is also related to it in a way that, although not so visible, if it is much more direct than we can imagine.

A good example of this is the technology in sports, since most do not notice it, but who designs all the sports items and clothing? And the materials?

Basically, the technology in sports is the one that is responsible for making use of technique, ingenuity and creativity to develop all types of items ranging from the clothing we use to sport, even the ball, the heart rate monitor, the basket, the shoes, the pole, the camera that records our arrival at the goal... all these elements require a design and development process that will allow us to get the most out of them.

In this way, from the search for materials and the study of their effectiveness in each situation, to the introduction of new ideas, conformation, etc., all of these will be the steps that this technology will follow to provide us with many more advantages than we can imagine.

The advantages of sports technology

La sports-oriented technology It offers us many advantages among which we can highlight:

  • Accessibility: allows accessibility to anyone who wants to practice sports with advanced technological devices and equipment.
  • Comfort: Comfort in sports is essential, and new technologies for sports clothing and footwear guarantee safety and breathability, translating this into greater comfort.
  • Equality: thanks to cameras and other technological systems, we can see if an action committed violates the regulations, to knowing exactly who has reached the finish line first.
  • Performance: The technology used in sports clothing also improves the athlete's performance.
  • "Salud": one of the most beneficial aspects, since it allows us to control our physical condition, essential especially in overexertion, and even track our evolution. It helps to design strategies to improve sports without affecting your health.
  • Security: more advanced retention systems, more resistant equipment, etc., are elements previously studied and that guarantee maximum safety for the athlete when practicing sports.

The truth is that the sport has changed a lot in recent years, and much of this is due to the rapid evolution of the technology in sports, offering very interesting and useful alternatives that are motivated to help the athlete in their practice, offering both a substantial improvement in their performance, as well as greater safety to avoid injuries or even problems in the future.

How technology is applied to sport

Biosanitary technology. 

Air shipments are the most efficient if you need your cargo or documents to arrive quickly and securely. sport clubs They have found a vein in this trend and we are talking about bionic technology, monitoring tools or medicines with regenerative substances for the body. This represents a great advance with great potential that protects and stimulates the physical integrity of athletes.

robotic technology

both Japan as in U.S. they are already organized robotics championships as if they were some Olympics since the last century, a curious alternative to traditional pressing catch or sumo fights. These types of Olympics lead us to great technological advances with androids that are currently also used to verify the use and effectiveness of sports tools, a task that was previously the exclusive responsibility of human beings, whose fullfilment of security requirements sometimes she looked compromised.

Big Data Technology

What does it have to do with Big data with the sports world? This computer concept has been revealed as a very effective tool to prepare the teams' strategy against their adversaries. And the data analysis that Big Data provides us serves to measure and enhance the performance of athletes, the amount of passes that a footballer gives, the state of the grass surface, your heart rate, the distance traveled by each member of the team or the speed of the rival players. Everything is analyzed, and there are great applications/tools that provide us with an impact analysis of millions of data that we collect in a sporting event to achieve improved results with data distilled from all the data we obtain


It all started with tennis and the racket he made Wilson who resorted to use of nanomaterials such as silica particles or carbon nanotubes. They began to realize that science and technology could be mixed to produce articles for any sport, and this brought with it the evolution according to the future of athletes. Lighter garments, which will give greater results to a high-performance athlete or accessories that will help improve the times achieved in all disciplines.

10 applications that use nanotechnology