Tips for a better posture in front of the PC

Those of us who spend many hours in front of the PC or sitting at the work table, if we do not take a little care of our posture, in the end we end up paying for it with pain that can even become chronic if we do not act over time. necessary. For that reason, below we are going to give some tips for better posture in front of the computer, with some little tricks and gadgets that will help you improve health at work.

How to avoid wrist and arm pain

If you use the PC a lot, one of the most generalized pains is wrist and arm pain in general, which is why we recommend that you use wrist rest that adapt to your morphology and prevent you from forcing yourself more than necessary.

There are many models made with very different materials such as gel, others that are adjustable, moldable and endless options, but in this sense, the best thing you can do is try until you find the one that best suits you and your way of working.

Of course, you must always try to have the relaxed arms in addition to avoiding angles at the wrist, especially when typing or using the mouse.

How to avoid back pain

But one of the most common pains for those of us who work in front of the PC is precisely back pain, which can present itself in very different ways depending on the vices that we have acquired.

In this sense, it is essential that we have a good chair, since it will be the best investment we can make. But that's not all, we must also always stay straight, in addition to making sure that we touch the ground without problems with the entire sole of our feet. We should not overload this area, since it can be very negative for the kidneys.

But many times, a good chair is not enough, which is why we can opt for other alternatives such as the possibility of using anatomical backrests that adapt to our shapes, thus improving our position.

Tips for a better posture in front of the PC

The choice of one or another backrest will depend on our needs, but we must keep in mind that there are many different models such as mesh ones, ideal for staying cool in summer, simple cushions for the cervical or kidney area, others made of foam and a long etc.

How to avoid neck pain

Neck pain is another of the ailments that affects the office worker, and to avoid it we have to start by placing the monitor at an appropriate height that allows us stay with your head well positioned, without forcing.

There are some very interesting supports that will be of help to us, and if we do not want to spend money in this regard, a good stack of A4 packages can be very useful.

The ideal position would be for the top of the screen to be approximately at eye level.

Estos son los de algunos tips for a better posture in front of the PC with which you will gain health, comfort and above all you will make those annoying pains that overshadow our work days disappear.