Windows 8 updates not installing

If on any occasion you have had problems when install Windows 8 updates, then we will try to solve the problem. Fundamentally we are going to focus on solve the common problem that when updating our equipment, some updates are installed and others are not.

Windows 8 updates not installing

The problem with Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 updates

As many of you have seen, update Windows 8 y Windows 8.1 It is very simple or even automatic, and it generally does not present any type of problem when carrying out the process.

However, sometimes we can see that we proceed to update with several updates that have recently arrived and while one is installed, others remain uninstalled, which usually frustrates us a little and above all gives us the feeling that we are not fully protected. that we should.

That is the problem that we are going to try to solve today, and to do so we are going to explain the reasons why it can occur.

Temporary errors in Windows

Most of the time, this error arises in form temporary, that is, it can be a windows server problem that for whatever reason has not worked as it should.

For that reason, the first thing we will do is redo the process to install the updates that have failed.

Microsoft License terms

In turn, some updates require us to accept a series of terms, which we generally end up accepting but due to an error we may have missed it and we may have cancelled.

In essence, in these cases we are the ones who have prevented the installation, so we will only have to perform the update again y accept the terms.

Computer space problems

Although Windows 8 updates y Windows 8.1 As a general rule, they take up little space; if we do not have enough free space on our hard drive, they obviously cannot be installed.

If this is our problem, all we will need is to free up some space and proceed with the update again.

Internet connection problems

If the update was interrupted during the download of the Internet connection is reason enough for a given update to fail.

Likewise, all we have to do is update again and it will generally work without problems.

System Compatibility

Generally we will enjoy fantastic compatibility, but sometimes it is possible that our Graphic card or any component of our equipment is not compatible with the update, in which case we will not be able to perform the installation until we solve this problem.

You need to restart your computer

And finally, in order to install some updates it is necessary Restart the system, or even that others previous updates are already installed. In these cases, the process will not continue until the system restarts or until said Windows 8 updates are properly installed.