Who is the 618693010?

Phone calls from unknown numbers always call insistently at the most inopportune moment. Are receiving calls and you want to know who the number 618693010 is? In this post we tell you who it belongs to and how to make them stop bothering you (although it won't be easy).

Who does the number 618693010 belong to?


In the morning, in the afternoon, even at night... This phone number is literally driving a lot of people crazy. Number of users who see how their privacy is limited due to the insistence of calls from a Unknown number.

El number 618693010 belongs to Endesa and they call you to offer to change your rates and give you loyalty discounts (between 5% and 10%). In principle it looks good but, as you can imagine, everything has its negative side. In this case they promise to maintain the price we have now but, on the other hand, what they will do is trick you into going to the PVPC rate through which you go to the free market.

What happens to the free market? That the operator will be able to set the price he wants. And, precisely for that reason, it is in their best interest for you to pick up the phone.

In the end, as in all these types of calls, the goal is to get something from the client. In this case, Endesa look for something that is not very legal. So, you will have to be the one to decide what you want or don't want to do.

Who is the number 618693010?

How do I get him to stop calling?

You have two options. The first is that they pick up the phone, tell them no, and be HUGE lucky to get crossed off their calling list. Which generally doesn't happen. The second option is that accept his proposal. In this case they will have achieved their goal and they will not call you again.

Steps to block 618693010 on IOS

steps to block 618693010 on IOS

To block the SPAM number you will have to follow these 3 steps:

1-Click on the phone icon.

2-Save the number 618693010 in the contact list.

3-Press "Block this contact" and then click again on Block contact.

Congratulations, every time I call you it will be sent to voicemail

Block SPAM number on Android

To block an Android number you must follow a process very similar to that of IOS:

1. Save the number to your contact list.

2. Access the contact list as if we were going to edit the number.

3. Different options will open to you and you must choose the option "To voicemail"

With this you can prevent the number 618693010 from calling you again.

Robinson List

With this platform, when you register your phone number, you can prevent 618693010 or any other SPAM number from calling you again. This is because all companies must see the list before making any call, if they do not respect the list you could report them.

What steps should you follow?

1. Click here To access.

2.Press the “Sign up on the list” button to begin registration.

How to block 618693010

3. Now two options will appear "To me" that you must access to register your phone number and "Point to another Person" if you are going to register the number of a child under 14 years of age.

how to reject spam calls

4. Fill out the form with all your information.

Robinson list form

5. Click on “Sign up” and you will be registered on the platform

Now that you know everything about who is number 618693010, You can now decide whether or not you want to pick up the phone. Of course, if you don't get it, you should know that they won't stop calling you until they get it. It is one of the most complained about phone numbers on the Internet.