How to recover the Wallapop password

We are going to learn how to recover the Wallapop password, an application that is increasingly found installed on more smartphones, and it is a very convenient and interesting way of being able to buy and sell items, getting rid of those that we will no longer need and getting a good amount of money in exchange, while also being able to access others that we We are going to use it and, of course, at the best price we can find on the market.

How to recover the Wallapop password

Steps to register on Wallapop

If it is the first time you are going to use Wallapop, the first thing you have to do is register, for which you need to download and install the application on your mobile phone.

Once this is done, all we have to do is access it and click on the camera-shaped icon that you can find in the top bar on the right side, at which point we will see the Wallapop registration form, which allows us three different options, which is to access through our Facebook account, enter directly with our Gmail account or, if we do not want to involve any of these two, we also have the possibility of create an account on Wallapop, for which we will enter our name and surname, an email and a password.

Register on Wallapop

Finally we click on “Register” and we will have completed the process.

Now we have everything ready to start buy and sell items but what if we get out of account and don't remember our password?, Below we are going to explain how you can return to access again despite this detail.

How to register on Wallapop PC

  • Enter the URL

First step to register on Wallapop PC

  • Go to the upper right area and click on the «“Sign up or log in” click.

Register on Wallapop PC

  • Click on "Check in"

How to enter Wallapop from your computer

  • Fill out the form with all your information and you will be registered in Wallapop.

Enter Wallapop from PC

  • When you want to access the version of Wallapop PC A pop-up window will open where you will have the option to log in with your Facebook, Google or Email account.

Steps to recover Wallapop account

Well, if you have created the account but don't remember the Wallapop password, what we have to do is enter the application as we normally did and then we will click on “Log In”. This will bring up the form where we usually enter our email address and password.

However, by not remembering this second piece of information, we are obviously going to have to carry out a different process to be able to enter a Wallapop account that I don't remember the password for, and we can follow it from the link “I forgot my password” which you can find just below.

As usually happens in these cases, since there is an email account linked to our Wallapop account, the only thing we have to do now is access the email account where we will find the new password that will give us access to our favorite online store.

The only thing we have to do is enter it in the same way we wrote the other password, that is, returning to the section for login and typing email address and new password, so we will see that at the moment we are back inside.

New Wallapop password

A very important point is that, although it is not very frequent, sometimes it is possible that the Wallapop emails reach our spam or junk mail folder, which is why, in the event that you see that many minutes pass and we receive the email with the new password, the most advisable thing in these cases is to take a look at this folder, since said email has probably ended up in it.

And of course, once you have been able to recover the Wallapop profile, the most advisable thing in these cases is to change the password, that is, instead of the new password that has been sent to us automatically, perhaps the most interesting thing to be able to remember it in future logins is to create our own password.

How to create a new password on Wallapop

In order to make this modification, that is, replace the new password they have sent us with one that we can remember more easily, what we have to do is enter the configuration section and here we will see an option called “Password”. Once we are inside we will observe that we only have to write the old password, that is, the last password we used to log in to Wallapop, and then we will write the new password that we want to use from now on, whether it is the old one that we used before we forgot it or even another alternative that we can remember more easily.