The 6 best applications to control expenses

Are you unable to save money month after month? Sometimes it is important to know different apps to control expenses, since in this way we can optimize our money as much as possible.

Therefore, in this article we will teach you the tools you will need to know what you spend money on and what to do to be able to save some money every month. For this we have prepared an interesting collection with several of the best android apps with which we can always be up to date and, in this way, we will avoid the difficulties of reaching the end of the month.

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This is one of the most used applications to control expenses Currently, in fact, it has recently been awarded by Google. Fintonic allows you to have exhaustive control of your money. In addition, one of the most notable features is that it allows you to add several bank accounts from almost any bank that exists.

With this tool you will be able to know what you spend your money on and set a monthly spending limit, therefore it is very interesting to download it, since it is free, and it will help you improve your economy.

Google Play - Fintonic

Money pro

Money Pro is an app aimed at managing personal finances, which has a very intuitive and easy-to-use interface. The first thing you should do when entering is add your bank account. Once you add it, what you have spent will appear in yellow and the money you have available will appear in blue.

It is considered one of the best applications to control expenses, since the vision it gives you is very good, since it provides you with a diagram with expenses by month, and shows you what activities the money has been allocated to (leisure, vehicle, food...).

Google Play - Money pro

Daily expenses

Daily expenses

If we want to organize our expenses in the most efficient way, this tool offers us the possibility of recording each and every one of the daily expenses and income, without a doubt a very useful system through which we can maintain a perfect control attending to a Libra that we can consult as many times as we want.

We can create a series of categories and move the records until adapting the program to our tastes and needs.

Furthermore, the fact of being able to verify the debit and the credit of any period, it will undoubtedly help us draw a conclusion and study the moments in which we should pay special attention to our expenses.

Google Play - Daily expenses, Michel Carvajal

Expense Control

Expense Control

Controlling expenses is essential, and for this we present this second tool with many possibilities and with the possibility of attaching the proof of purchase of all our expenses.

Furthermore, its compatibility with Microsoft Excel It allows us to export the file and even print it, so that we can carry out revisions without difficulty directly on paper. Additionally, this system is fantastic for maintaining a physical record month after month, something that will help us take a good look at all the mistakes we make with our expenses.

In addition, it has a system of inquiry of expenses and income quite complete, and we can also view all the statistics when we need them most.

Google Play - Expense Control, Gagosoto Factory

My expenses

My expenses

And if what we need is an application to control expenses in a simple way and suitable for all types of users, My expenses may be what we were looking for.

Perhaps this is one of the apps to control expenses less known. Despite this, it has very good features, since its environment is very pleasant and easy to use, so in a short time we will be using without difficulty each and every one of the options that it makes available to us.

Furthermore, it allows us a customization quite complete, offering the possibility of creating both categories and subcategories so that we adapt the operation and classification to what we are looking for.

And if we want to obtain a hard copy, we can do it by exporting the file to Excel and sending it to any other device.

Google Play - My expenses

Finance PM – My budget

Finance PM - My budget

It is important to have a audiovisual well measured and calculated, but if later we do not carry out a exhaustive control, in the end we find that the end of the month arrives and we have completely broken it, with the consequent appearance of difficulties.

Through this fourth option we can maintain everything and much more, since it allows us from one direct management from our portfolio to account management, currency type modification and many other facilities that will allow us to keep control in a simple and complete way.

Google Play - Finance PM – My budget,

If you want to download any of these applications to control expenses, you can do so through the links, which you can use without problems and safely, since they redirect directly to the Google Play official page.