What technology would be used to prevent cellular aging

El cellular aging It is a reality that we all dislike, since it makes it clear that year after year our body will age more and more, without being able to turn back. However, technology is making great advances in recent years, to the point that it benefits us not only by subtracting this cellular aging, but even by reversing it.

What technology would be used to prevent cellular aging

The human being and the brake on the aging of his cells

It is possible to start from the basis that the cell deterioration It affects the tissues, either because they age or directly because they end up dying.

The life of the human being is determined precisely by the life of his cells, so that biologically it is considered that the maximum that we could reach would be 120 years in the case of men and up to 125 years in the case of women.

However, throughout our lives we have to face diseases, illnesses, exposure to certain products and compounds such as tobacco and pollution, etc. who in the end are the ones who advance this aging.

In fact, a simple illness can ruin our lives at any age, but the reality is that we have made great progress in this regard, for example avoiding the deterioration of our body or even solving diseases from which we previously died, thus prolonging our life estimate.

We all know that we come into this life to one day have to say goodbye, and we accept it as nature dictates, but the truth is that we only have to observe that each generation manages to slightly increase the Life expectancy, so that in a few centuries we have managed to extend it even beyond 100 years, when less ago than it seems it was something unthinkable.

There are many factors that have influenced this regard, such as medicine, a varied and healthy diet, research that helps solve health problems or avoid them, disease containment, etc.

However, in recent years technology has become the axis of our lives, especially if we are aware that it can be the key to not only a longer life, but also stronger health.

Technologies that help prevent cellular aging

It is difficult to list all the technologies that are useful when it comes to preventing or even reverse cellular aging, but in recent years some of them have proven to be quite interesting and, therefore, they are serving as an axis to continue advancing in something that is closer than we imagine.

Some technologies to prevent and reverse aging cell are:

  • Prevention of DNA cell mutations. Nikolay Kandul, study published in Nature Communications.
  • OSKM, method for cellular reprogramming by combining four genes that allows the pluripotent stem cell to divide indefinitely to become young cells. Shinya Yamanaka, UCAM Murcia.
  • Radiofrequency, since by generating electric fields it is possible to motivate the rotation of molecules, and by increasing the temperature, the cells activate their defense mechanisms, leading to regeneration.
  • Other control systems: from a general perspective, technology has also allowed us to access different systems through which we can detect and act in advance on those factors that cause accelerated cellular aging. For example, we can detect the presence of silent diseases that, if not detected, will rapidly deteriorate our body.

It is important to know that although there are some biological limits As we have mentioned previously, the objective of these technologies applied to cellular aging is to allow us to achieve them with the maximum possible health, thus guaranteeing a better quality of life that little by little will be observed in the new generations.