How to remove the Windows 10 Start screen

For many users the windows 10 start screen It can be excessively annoying, especially if we enter and exit the operating system frequently. Also known as the windows 10 lock screen, this image offers us some information but as a general rule in the end it becomes solely and exclusively a nuisance, so we are going to proceed to explain how you can remove it completely.

How to remove the Windows 10 Start screen

Access the Windows 10 registry editor

We imagine that on more than one occasion you have used the windows 10 registry editor, but if you are new to this matter, we are going to explain how you have to proceed.

First of all we are going to press the key combination: Windows key + R With which you will notice that in the lower left part of the screen a small window appears with a box where we can write.

We type “regedit” (without the quotes) and this will give us access to the windows 10 registry editor, a place where we have to move without haste and above all knowing what we are doing, since otherwise the same thing that can help us solve many problems can also end up becoming our worst nightmare.

Steps to remove the Windows 10 start screen

Well, what we have to do is go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows and we are going to proceed to create a new key. The only thing we have to do is go to the part on the right and we will click with the right mouse button and then on new key.

We will have to write a name that will be Personalization and once we enter it we will create a new 32-bit DWORD value with the name NoLockScreen and we will select the hexadecimal base. As for the value that we must enter, we can add a 0 so that the Windows 10 start screen will remain activated, or on the contrary we will add a 1 to deactivate it.

Thanks to this you can see that you will have the possibility of both activating and deactivating this screen to your liking, so that you can reverse the entire process by just modifying this simple number.

We hope that with this system you have achieved remove the start screen from windows 10 and from now on you won't have to put up with this annoying image every time you log in to Windows 10.