Tips to increase security on your social networks

Social networks are a virtual space in which we interact with each other without any limits; even going so far as to base part of our own existence on our presence within these platforms. While it is true that they are a resource linked to leisure and entertainment, the reality is that in our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and any other social network profiles we store a large amount of private information. Likewise, they are a speaker with which we communicate to other people, so we cannot take the risk of another individual impersonating us.

Secure and up-to-date passwords

To protect the security of our social networks, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive actions. Remember that everyone these tips for Instagram are applicable to the rest of the platforms and, among all the protection methodologies, having good passwords is the most relevant.

The password is the first barrier to entry that a potential cybercriminal will encounter. Instead of using common words or words linked to our person, the most appropriate thing is to combine letters and numbers that have nothing to do with our reality.

Similarly, It is a priority to change your password from time to time. The more we use it, the more sensitive it becomes. Therefore, around six months, it is appropriate to renew it and put another alphanumeric combination. Just make sure you don't forget it.

Activating two-step verification

All social networks have a security section in which we can activate what is known as two-step verification. A precautionary measure that radically optimizes account protection, preventing someone from entering our profile without us knowing.

This system consists of, when we want to access our account from a new device, The platform in question alerts us by sending an email. Until we certify that it is us, Instagram does not allow you to enter the profile; despite having entered the password correctly.

Many social media users are unaware of this resource and are exposed to anyone, once they have the password, impersonating them. So, instead of taking that risk, The best thing is to activate two-step verification and save yourself the worst disappointments.

Sign out of other devices

If we are accessing our profile from another device, be it a foreign computer or another smartphone, we must make sure to log out when finished. Something obvious that, out of inertia, we tend to forget and exposes us to any other person free to roam around our profile.

Now, what happens if someone is already using our account without us being aware of it? Sometimes, The impersonator is a close person and leaves no trace of his actions, but it also has an impact on our privacy.

In these cases, Social networks offer us a section in which they tell us which devices the session is open on.. If you see a computer that is not yours, click the logout button and immediately update your password.

do not talk to strangers

Beyond interacting with our circle, social networks allow us to meet new people. This has a certain magic, but also many dangers; hence It is essential to know who we can and cannot talk to online.

Hackers take advantage of the most innocent to, through fraudulent links, put the account in check of his victims. Ignore all those profiles with few publications, in which the user in question is not seen or that, directly, arouse little confidence in you. In addition to not clicking on any link of dubious origin, We encourage you not to install pirated programs. These can lead to a hack and make you lose control of your social networks in a matter of seconds: the risk is not worth it.