How to delete an account on Periscope

Many of you will know Periscope, a very interesting application with which we can stream videos in real time.

This tool belongs to Twitter and without a doubt it is a fantastic way to transmit relevant information such as current situations that you consider important to be known by other users. That is, it basically aims to keep users informed of everything that happens in our environment.

However, it is possible that at a certain point we get tired of the application and, of course, as always happens in these cases, there are often many users who do not stick to the use of the tools, and therefore we can end up excessively bombarded with content that is not at all pleasant to us.

In that case we have prepared this tutorial where we are going to explain how to delete an account on Periscope so that you can put an end to that headache once and for all.

How to delete an account on Periscope

Can I directly uninstall Periscope and delete the account automatically?

Many of you do installations and uninstallations with some frequency on your devices with Android or iOS operating system, which is for whom it has been developed precisely Periscope. Therefore, when you have gotten tired of it, it is most likely that you have tried to uninstall it directly and have been able to verify that it is not a normal and ordinary application, but rather that be able to proceed with the elimination We are going to have to contact the technical team.

That is to say, To delete a Periscope account we need to contact Periscope technical support who will be in charge of carrying out the deletion manually.

Once I delete a Periscope account, can I create another one?

This aspect is very important and you should take it into account, since, once you delete a periscope account, you will no longer be able to create another one with the same Twitter username or phone number (in the event that you have used one to register), that is, you will have to do it through a different user.

Delete an account on Periscope

That is to say, our Twitter user will be banned from new Periscope accounts, so you must carefully analyze whether or not you are interested in proceeding with the elimination.

I have decided to delete an account on Periscope, how should I proceed?

Well, if you have finally decided to eliminate the Periscope account, all we have to do is send an email to the address, but yes, we must always send this email from the email account that we have associated with the Twitter account and which in turn is associated with the Periscope account.

Regarding the content of the message, we must enter a series of data that are as follows:

  • Delivery: The first and obviously essential thing is to indicate the address to which we want to send the message, which is the one we indicated above.
  • Message Subject: Regarding the subject of the message, we are going to introduce a very simple text that is “Delete Periscope account"
  • Message body: the body of the message we are going to introduce two essential data that are our Periscope username, which, in case you have any doubts, is the same one we have on our linked Twitter account, and on the other hand we are also going to indicate our telephone number in case we have registered with it.

With these simple information we will have already prepared everything, so all we have left to do is send the message and wait for a response.

It is very important at this point to keep in mind that they generally take a long time to eliminate a periscope account, so it is essential to have a little patience.

After the necessary time has passed and, once the process has been carried out, in order to be up to date we will receive a email notifying us that the deletion of the Periscope account. Of course, if we see that many days pass and we do not have any news from them, in that case we can contact them directly through Twitter with the command @periscopehelp.

Explanatory video of the steps you must follow to delete the account