Differences between Whatsapp and Telegram

Instant messaging applications are very popular today, in fact, we are facing one of the most used means of communication. In this sense, Whatsapp must be highlighted as the alternative that has the largest number of users, this being an ideal application for chatting, sending images or videos as well as allowing us to share all types of files. However, it is necessary to highlight that it is not the only option we find within the sector dedicated to instant messaging applications, since we have interesting alternatives at our disposal, such as Telegram.

Through this article we will explain the differences between whatsapp and telegram with the aim of knowing which of these options best adapts to the needs of users.

Telegram, the best alternative to protect your privacy

In recent years, concern has grown about protecting our privacy, something that is not surprising if we take into account that these applications use customer data for commercial purposes. Whatsapp is an application that belongs to Mark Zuckerberg, who has admitted on numerous occasions that he collects user information, both from WhatsApp and the social network Facebook. In fact, it even logs the users' IP. It is clear that Whatsapp is not the best alternative for those who demand to protect their privacy, with Telegram being one of the best options.

Because? Telegram offers users the possibility of sending encrypted messages as well as the option of self-destructing messages, this being an option that gives us greater security. Another detail that is related to privacy is that it will not be necessary to share our phone number to be able to chat on Telegram, since this app offers us the option of creating an alias, while in WhatsApp it is essential to have a SIM card to register. in the application and it is necessary to share our phone number.

Whatsapp offers us the possibility of making video calls. Telegram (not yet)

The popularity of video calls has been increasing in recent years, especially after the pandemic, becoming a very close communication format. Whatsapp offers us this service for free, with which we can make video calls with up to 8 people simultaneously, while Telegram does not yet have this service integrated into the application (it is true that it offers us the option of sending short videos) . Without a doubt, this is one of the main differences between WhatsApp and Telegram and, perhaps, we are facing one of the main reasons why the WhatsApp application is the one with the largest number of users.

On the other hand, in both applications we can create groups, this being one of the options that has the greatest demand since we are talking about an ideal service for chatting with family, friends or co-workers. Of course, the maximum number of users that Whatsapp allows is 256, while Telegram offers us the possibility of creating groups of up to 5000 members.

Telegram is the ideal app for businesses and companies

If you have a business or company, you will surely love one of the options that Telegram offers us, since this application offers us the possibility of creating broadcast channels. That is, we can share all types of content to an unlimited number of users who will follow our channel. On the other hand, the alternative that WhatsApp offers us are broadcast messages, an alternative that allows us to send messages to all our contacts (who would receive them individually).

For this reason we can determine that if we talk about differences between WhatsApp and Telegram, this last option is more focused on companies, since they will be able to have an agile, comfortable and fluid format when it comes to publicizing any article, service or product.

Whatsapp, the most popular option

Although the features we find in Telegram are very interesting (they even surpass WhatsApp in some aspects), the reality is that the vast majority of people use WhatsApp, which means that it is practically an obligation to have this app to be able to chat with our contacts. , this being one of the main differences between whatsapp and telegram.

Finally, we cannot forget about another important difference between both applications, such as the possibility of making backup copies that WhatsApp offers us, an option that is not yet available on Telegram.

In short, we can conclude this article by saying that both applications are the most prominent within the sector related to instant messaging and that, although they have significant differences, they are very interesting solutions today. And you? Do you use WhatsApp or Telegram?