Download free books without registering

We have prepared a complete collection of pages through which you can download free books without registering, a very convenient way to have at your disposal all types of texts, books, work, etc., in the fastest and most accessible way possible, in various formats so that you can use them in all your eReaders.

How to download free ebooks

The first thing we recommend you do is search within the subject of books in Amazon the one you like the most, such as a company, in this category you will be able to see which are the best sellers, once you are clear about the next book that you want to download for free, we will recommend a list below of the best platforms in which it is not Registration is necessary to access the entire catalog of free books.

The different types of e-book download formats

They can be divided into different categories:

.epub It is the most widespread format within the e-books free hence the name of many platforms as you can see here.

This type of format has a protection called DRM which makes it more difficult to copy, although there are specific tools to solve it, as is the case of Caliber.

If you are an Amazon Kindle user, you will surely have noticed the use of .lit, It is a format that is not very widespread, to say nothing outside of Amazon.

The format . Pdf It is one of the best known for any document and is compatible with all devices, an extension with very wide compatibility although less known is .mobi that can be used in any ebook.

Best pages to download free books [Ebooks, PDF, ePub]

Download free books without registering

24 symbols

We are going to start our list with a page that we want to highlight above all for offering us a large number of options to download free PDF books, since it offers us a collection with great variety and a volume of more than 800.000 books to choose from.

On this occasion we are going to have to register, but we consider that it is an essential page that we must have at our disposal, due to the large number of books and because it offers high quality content.

In addition, it also offers us the possibility of becoming premium for only €8,99 per month, of course without any type of permanence commitment, and if we want to reserve an entire year to be able to access absolutely all the works available, we will get a discount very interesting and worth it if we are going to get good use out of it.

24 symbols

However, we can continue to maintain the free version, in which case we will see advertising during our experience, although it is true that it is worth it especially if we do not use it very intensively when searching for new titles.

Not only does it contain books in PDF, but we will also have a lot of free audiobooks at our disposal, in addition to the fact that the platform is perfectly adapted to be used both on PC and on portable devices with Android, iOS operating systems or even on our Kindle Fire.



Of course we will also have at our disposal one of the most popular platforms in terms of eBooks, which is none other than Amazon, and this popular store offers us a wide collection of both paid and free books.

In this case you already know that you will be able to download quickly and directly to your device, or you will even be able to download in other formats in some of the alternatives that we have at our disposal.

If you don't have an e-book and you want to see it on your computer or even on your smartphone or tablet, you already know that there is a specific application through which we will be able to play them without any problem.

One of the advantages of this platform is precisely the fact that we have at our disposal an immense collection of free books to download, including all types of categories whether literature, fiction, romantic, detective, crime novel, suspense, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, encyclopedias, reference works, stories, erotic novels, anthologies, technical books, management, business, strategy, studies and practically anything we can imagine.

In addition, its interface is also very simple, since we will have at our disposal not only the categories to be able to search for books based on this organization, but also the option to choose by author, if we want to opt for news that has been published recently. , we can find books based on customer ratings, and of course we can also access the main list through which we can search, one by one, until we find the book that we like the most.

Digital library of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)

Digital library of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)

On this occasion we bring you the digital library platform of the Organization of Ibero-American States, a resource not only interesting for the American people, but also for the European people, since we have at our disposal a lot of very interesting and well-organized content within in the areas of electronic documents, Internet resources, teaching resources and other digital resources.

Of course we will be able to locate what we are looking for based on the author, the subject, by country, by the type of format and in general by all those characteristics thanks to which we will be able to carry out a more specific search that will allow us to find what that we are looking for long before.

Basically it is an information and documentation service that is specialized in education, technology, science, society and innovation and in Latin American culture, so through this system we will be able to find a lot of resources that are not available in no other platform.

Hispanic Digital Library

Hispanic Digital Library

Likewise, we also have the Hispanic Digital Library, another very interesting platform to be able to download free books without registering.

One of the most interesting aspects of this alternative is precisely the fact that, as you will be able to see, the first thing we find is a page with more than 40 different categories from which we can choose.

In this way we will be able to directly access, for example, the sound playlists, all the content related to art, with specific authors such as Cervantes, there is also a section dedicated to gastronomy, photography, historical events such as the War of Independence, we have at our disposal books on chivalry, Hispanic iconography, engravings, advertising posters, nautical charts, atlases and cartographic material and in general a lot of resources that, as with the previous recommendation, you will not have available in practically nowhere else, so it is a very valuable option that you have to keep well, since sooner or later you are going to need it.

Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes

Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes

Another highly recommended and complete option, and on this occasion we are also going to enjoy unique content, made up of this complete collection of public domain documents of different categories.

We will have at our disposal various specific libraries to choose from, as well as a complete newspaper archive and everything we need to find the texts we are looking for.

On the left side you will see that you have at your disposal the different areas through which you can move, but it is possible that you are thinking of finding something specific, that is, a specific book, some text related to a certain author, or directly You are thinking about specific content but you are not clear about the title or the author.

Whatever our need, at the top you will be able to find a search engine where you only have to enter the data that can identify the type of text you are looking for, and if you want to perform a more specific search, just below this search engine you will see the section “Advanced search", through which you will be able to access a new page with two tabs, the first being intended for the catalog, that is, the collection, and the second for the content of the documents in case you are looking for very specific things and want that the content of said texts be taken into account in the search.

In any case, let's choose one tab or another, we will see that we have several alternatives to choose from, being able, for example, to make a greater specification depending on what we are looking for, and above all, in the same way as with the two previous libraries, On this occasion you will also have texts at your disposal that are not found anywhere else.



Bookboon is another alternative to evaluate and incorporate into our collection.

It was created in 2005 in Denmark, and currently has a collection in different languages ​​with nearly 2000 works both in text format and for download in our eBooks.

It is not necessary for us to register to be able to download books, but yes, we must bear in mind that without doing so we will have the limit of 1000 books for free, although it is clear that, for the majority of users, it is a very considerable amount, so normally we will not have problems in this regard.

It should be noted that the interface is also very accessible and familiar, since we have a search bar at the top that we will use to enter keywords, while on the left we have two main sections at our disposal, one for books of text, and the other for business.

Within each of these sections we have various categories, so we only have to access the one that interests us, and later we will see new subcategories with several options to select.

This can be very convenient when searching for a book when we do not have any title or author in mind, since in this way we will have at our disposal, with just a couple of clicks, all the texts available on the page of that topic specifically the one we are interested in.

We move on to this other option that is also very interesting although, yes, this time the interface is completely in English, although we will be able to find books of all types of spanish authors no problem.

In total we will have at our disposal about 15.000 free e-books, as well as about 1000 user publications thanks to its complete database, which we can access through the search engine at the top, as well We can search based on the author or even based on the categories in which they are organized.

Whatever our choice, don't worry because the fact that it is in English does not mean that it will be difficult to move, since right on the main page you can see the authors section, the search bar and the categories section, thus achieving easy access to them.

In addition, it also has a good collection of publications from the users themselves, with which we will have the possibility of accessing specific and exclusive content that is only on this platform.



This time it is a Spanish publisher that allows us to buy on demand, that is, at the time we purchase our books, they will be printed (or printed) and sent to the address we indicate.

In this sense, in addition to paid books, it also makes free books available to us, which are free thanks to the fact that the authors seek to expand as much as possible, and in this way they have a greater opportunity to reach the largest possible number of readers. .

Of course it also offers us the possibility of publishing our own book, so in this sense it is a fantastic platform for both reading lovers and writers themselves.

This time the interface may be a little more complicated a priori, since it mixes several activities on a single platform, but if you look at the top, you will see that you have a search bar that will help you find what you are interested in.

On the other hand, they also offer some interesting services for those who want to publish your books, such as designing a personalized cover, which has a price of €175. We can also entrust the layout to this team of professionals, in which case we do not There is a fixed price, but we have to request a quote.

If we want our book to be distributed worldwide in digital bookstores, the cost will be only €99, if we want to hire the ISBNs, its price will be only €50.

Converting our book into an audio book costs only five euros, and in short, you have a lot of very interesting services that we advise you to take into account if you want to carry out your own works.

House of the book

House of the book

Another of the essential places, and we are talking about a bookstore chain of great popularity that puts at our disposal a large number of free eBooks.

Of course we are not going to find the latest novels for free, but the truth is that we have taken a good look and we have been able to find a lot of more than interesting novels and essays, a fantastic way to satisfy our literature needs without having to to spend not a cent.

Furthermore, since it is such a large and accessible collection, there really comes a time when it is engaging, since you have numerous titles at your disposal that you can access with just a couple of clicks.

It should be noted that, in addition to free books, from time to time some very interesting offers come out that are worth taking into consideration, since with just a few euros we can get very interesting works that generally have much higher costs.

Likewise, we can also access specific sections where we will find books for less than a euro, less than two euros and less than three euros, and also free books, and other sections with best selling books, free books in english more interesting, and a long etc.

At the top you will have the usual search engine that cannot be missing on this type of platform, while on the left side you will find several sections with the featured books, the latest news and of course also the themes section, that is, a set of categories that will help you locate all the books focused on a specific one that catches your attention the most.

Download Epub Free

Download Epub Free

Another alternative also highly recommended for lovers of literature and books in general.

As with many platforms, in this case you will not be able to use it if you use AdBlock, and in order to maintain the platform, we will have to click on an ad when they ask us to do so.

At the top we find the main sections that in principle do not have much importance for us at the moment, while on the majority of the cover we will see a complete collection with the latest works that have been added.

This system is very interesting if we do not have any specific category of books in mind, but if, on the other hand, we have a very specific book in mind, the best thing we can do is use the search engine that appears on the right side.

Just below said search engine, we have at our disposal all the available categories ranging from horror to psychological novels, language books, sports books, current affairs books, classics, educational books and in general practically anything we are looking for, thus obtaining so that we can access a complete collection of books that are included within a very specific category, thus simplifying the search and giving us access to a wide range of content to choose from.

Public domain

Public domain

This is another very interesting page to be able to download free books without registering, although it is important to keep in mind that on this occasion we will only be able to find Public domain books and works.

A very positive aspect of this page is the fact that we will have a wide variety of different formats at our disposal, so that we can adapt them to the type of device we are going to use.

It also has another advantage, which is the fact that most of the books are in Spanish, but we can also find works in Latin, Italian, English, German and Swedish, so it offers us fairly well-adapted content.

Its interface a priori is not excessively aesthetic as you can see, but basically in our case what we have to do is look at the left side where we will have at our disposal an alphabet that will allow us to find the books based on the writer.

This is perhaps the main drawback of this page, since it does not offer us a search engine that allows us to find books based on specific characteristics or even based on the title, but in any case, if you are looking for books by specific authors, you will be able find them without any difficulty.

Before continuing, it is important that you know that this platform for download free books by author It puts at our disposal interesting information about each of the writers, as well as we can access the collection of works in the different languages ​​into which they have been translated.



On this occasion we are going to know a e-book lending platform, for which we are going to have an unavoidable requirement which is to have a library card from any autonomous community in Spain.

Basically it is a library with digitized texts, so that we have at our disposal the possibility of download ebooks although, yes, we are only going to have them temporarily, since these are loans.

However, it is a completely free system, which means that we will be able to read a lot of books of all kinds without having to pay a single cent, that is, as if we went to the library to borrow a book and return it a little later, but this time without leaving home.

For its part, we have the possibility of using the interface in both Spanish and English, and of course we also have a complete search engine that will allow us to perform searches based on the author, the title of the book or work, the publisher, the type of subject, we can also search for books by ISBN or even by publication date, or if we are not clear about what we are looking for or we do not have too much data about it, we can use the default search that takes all these elements into account.

At the same time, it also has an advanced search that allows you to use various parameters depending on the search, which can be a little more complex but helps us find a very specific book.

Of course it also has various categories on the left side, among which we can find all the books from the complete collection distributed, also including audiobooks, newspapers and magazines.

Ebook World

Ebook World

Ebook Mundo is also a very interesting platform since it offers us a wide collection to download free books without registering in PDF, MOBI and also FB2 formats.

One of the peculiarities of this page is precisely the fact that each book has a fairly complete file through which we can know some of the main characteristics of the work we are consulting, including of course also a small summary so that we know about it. what each one of them is about.

We start with the search engine that we can find in the upper right corner of the screen, which is simple since we just have to click on the magnifying glass icon, enter the text related to what we are looking for, and it will immediately appear. a relationship with all alternatives.

On the main page we have the latest added books, an interesting system if we are not looking for anything in particular but rather want to have the widest variety at our disposal, thus managing to discover some topics and genres that may be very interesting to us.

Just above we have three main categories that are books by author, books by genre and book series, so that, when we use any of them, an alphabet will appear at the bottom that will allow us to find what we are looking for in a more efficient way. specific.



We continue with our list to download free books without registering, and this time we have this alternative that directly presents a rather unpleasant interface.

However, it contains a wide variety of licensed books that we can download in PDF or HTML format.

It should be noted that this time it is a page that mainly has works in English, but it has a very simple and effective search engine, in addition to having all the categories at our disposal to be able to browse and find what we are looking for.

Although aesthetically it is not a pleasant page and the content is especially designed for those looking for books in English, one of the main advantages of this page is the speed, since you will be able to move through it extremely quickly and without no type of blocking, something that is appreciated especially if we are looking for a lot of content.



When we access this page for the first time, we have the feeling that we are not going to find things that are too interesting, since it is very simple and direct. However, it has a quite interesting collection of books, since its catalog exceeds 34.000 and, week after week, other new items are added to always be updated.

Without a doubt, it is one of the most interesting pages since, in addition to being able to find a lot of books, we also have the advantage that in each book we have a section that will help us know the opinions of other readers, in the same way We can also access a forum where we can share opinions and even different content.

Of course, on this occasion it is mandatory to register, but it is true that you will not regret it since you have at your disposal one of the most complete and interesting platforms of the moment to be able to download free eBooks.



We also have this page to download free ePub books, which are well organized into dozens of categories so that you can find specific books on the specific topics in which you are interested.

Another advantage is that it has a very extensive collection with all kinds of different genres, in addition to being able to find what we are looking for is very easy since its interface is easy to understand and very affordable.

At the top we have several categories to choose from, although perhaps it is not the most convenient system to access the collections.

However, just below we have the search engine which, indeed, is one of the most used alternatives when it comes to finding specific books based on the author, title or any type of characteristic.

On the right side, a little further down, you can find a section that allows you the possibility of accessing a search engine based on the author, the literary genre, the title or the collection, and just below you have a drop-down list with each and every of the available categories, a good way to find a book when you don't have a specific one in mind, but you are interested in a very specific topic.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that it has a free subscription system and that you will be able to unsubscribe whenever you want, thanks to which, every time there is any Newly published interesting eBook, you will receive a notice in your emails, something ideal to be able to be informed at all times and up to date with all the news.



Without a doubt it is one of the pages with a largest collection of books, since it currently has more than 61.000 options to choose from.

However, we once again find ourselves faced with a type of page that requires registration to be able to download free books, but in any case we can do this in just a few minutes, so we have at our disposal one of the largest collections of literature of how many we can find today.

Once again we are faced with an affordable and very easy to understand interface, thanks to which we will be able to move around without any type of problem.

We have the possibility of download books for free, but as with some other platforms, they ask us, if we get a good use out of them and if we can afford it, to make a small donation with the aim of being able to maintain the expenses and costs involved in this system.

We are going to start with the top bar, where we find five icons that, in order of placement, are used to access a complete list of books, access a news section, the third icon is used to enter the tutorials section, the discussion forums, and of course the key will help us log in and enter the platform.

Just to the right we have the search engine that will allow us to find books based on the title, author or other characteristics, and if we go down a little, we will see three tabs thanks to which we will be able to find the books based on the author, genre or series of books, of course well arranged alphabetically.

If we continue going down we will also have another interesting section at our disposal, which is the one They offer us books at random, either the latest ones that have been added to the collection, the most read of the week or month, or even the most read since the creation of the page.



Europeana is a European project through which it seeks to create the largest digital library in which absolutely all European countries can participate.

One of the main advantages of this system is the fact that We are going to have at our disposal not only an immense collection, but also in all the official languages ​​of the European Union, which makes it one of our most recommended options.

Of course, the content and works that we will be able to find in this database are all in the public domain, but returning to the advantages, we will be able to enjoy the interface in Spanish so we will be able to find what we are looking for without any difficulty.

In the event that we prefer another language, of course we will be able to translate it into any of the 27 available.

We told you that it has an incredible collection, but in figures, sit down before continuing reading, it exceeds a whopping 58 million books, videos, sounds and content in general.

Without a doubt it is one of the essential options, which also offers us good organization since in the top bar we can access everything from interesting blogs related to the platform, to exhibitions, we can see all the available content as well as the collections created.

Of course we also have a search bar that is at eye level, where we can search for content throughout the platform or specify whether we are looking for images, sounds, texts, videos, 3D objects, etc.

A little further down we also have several interesting sections that we can access, as well as European news of cultural interest which we advise you to visit from time to time.



This is another very interesting platform that includes all types of public domain content, making it a resource especially designed for classic lovers.

The only drawback at the moment is the fact that it does not have an excessively large database, but we will be able to download the books in PDF or also in Epub to use them on our Kindle.

In addition to the free version that allows us to access all types of public domain books and that we can download legally, we can also opt for the paid version thanks to which we will have at our disposal a larger collection with books for less than one euro.

On this occasion we will be able to download free books without registering, and of course we have at our disposal a lot of genres to choose from that include everything from stories and short novels to humor books, youth books, classics, theater, art, essays, religion, social sciences, commerce and economics, law, travel and tourism, education, literary collections, stories, mythologies and legends and much more.

When accessing any of the books, we will see a little information that will allow us to know its content, in addition to which we will also access the details of the book such as the language in which it is written, when it was published, who was the translator, the number of words, the approximate time we need to read it, copyright, etc.



We move on to this alternative known as Fiuxy, which also puts at our disposal not only free ebooks, but also magazines and newspapers.

In terms of formats, it is one of the pages that offers us the greatest variety since it includes PDF, ePub, AZW3 and MOBI.

This mix of forum and platform allows us to access very extensive content thanks to the fact that it is the users themselves who are in charge of sharing all the books, newspapers and magazines.

This makes it somewhat less accessible than the rest of the platforms, since it is much more difficult to find a book within a specific topic since, for example, we cannot search based on categories.

However, through the search engine located in the upper right corner of the screen, what we can do is search by title, author or specific details of the book, so, without being one of the most complete options, what Yes, it is true that we will be able to find books where in other places we would have to pay for them.

Free ebooks

Free ebooks

Here we have at our disposal another complete collection of free books to download, making the platform available to us in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

We will be able to find fiction and non-fiction books, and we also have different systems through which we can access the content.

First of all, we have the search engine at the top, ideal for searching for books by title or by author, while a little further down we will find a panel with all the categories that include fiction books, non-fiction books, academic books, educational texts , books in other languages ​​and other collections.
Obviously, within each of these categories we also have at our disposal various subcategories where all the titles are classified, thus simplifying the possibility of finding a book on the subject that we like even without having anything in mind.

In addition, it also has a registry of featured free books, as well as other sections with the best books and lists to read related content, most recent e-books, favorite books, etc.

The only drawback that we could find in this case is precisely the fact that we have to register completely free of charge to be able to access all this content, but it is a task of just a few minutes that will allow us to access such a vast collection that it's really worth it.

In addition to the free option, we also have the possibility of subscribing to the paid version which can be €6,83 per month, €34,31 per year, or we can even sign up for life for only €42,90.

Furthermore, when we access the books in which we are interested, we will know details such as the number of pages, when it was published, the rating obtained by users, we will be able to vote for the book if we have already read it, and Of course we will also have a description available to know its content.

Before downloading, we will have the possibility of downloading a sample of the book, which we can do through the button located right at the bottom of the cover image.

This will allow us to download part of the PDF so we can take a look and know if it is really a book that interests us.

Freebook sifter

Freebook sifter

Basically in this case what we have at our disposal is a free books database, and every day an update is made so that the books that have become paid are removed, and other free books are added.

On this occasion we have to clarify that it is a platform in which practically all the books are in English, so it is designed for those who master the language or who are learning it.

If you find yourself within these groups, it is undoubtedly a very interesting option, since it also allows us to locate specific books through its search bar at the top, or we can directly move through the different categories that appear on the right side. and that will give us access to its around 35.000 available books.



Another page to download free books without registering that allows us to use the interface in Spanish and English, in addition to also offering the possibility for the writers themselves to publish their creations directly through the platform, a fantastic way to make themselves known to others. a larger audience.

It is not necessary to register to access all the content, and of course, all the downloads we find are completely free.

On the cover we will find a list with the latest additions, that is, the latest books that have been uploaded and that we can consult by simply accessing them and clicking on the type of download we want, which can be eReaders, in PDF, we can read them online, or send them directly to our Kindle.

Once we access the book, the usual thing is to find a short description made by the author himself, and although we are basically talking about a platform for books by new writers, the truth is that you can find a lot of interesting content, and in fact new books are added quite frequently, so we have at our disposal a very complete and interesting database.

It should be noted that one of the strong points of this page to download free books without registering is precisely the fact that it has a very powerful search engine.

First of all, it will allow us to choose the type of search we want to carry out based on the literary genre, ideal if we want to be specific in the search, but we can also enter the title or the writer in the available box to be able to find it based on these characteristics.

A little after the search engine we have several lists of books that include categories such as the 10 most downloaded books of the day, the most recommended books, the stories that have been submitted to the Freeditorial Literary Contest, the 10 most downloaded classics, current literature in Spanish, books humor, fantasy novels, historical novels, essays, literature, adventures, children and young people, romantic novels, mystery and suspense novels, science fiction, historiography, short stories and poetry.

Goose and Octopus

Goose and Octopus

On this occasion we also want to highlight this platform that catches our attention precisely because it is a completely independent editorial project, which also does not have any type of profit motive.

In order to download free books we do not have to register, and although it does not have as much content as other free eBook websites or platforms, has a very interesting catalog through which you will have at your disposal practically any content that you have in mind.

At the top you have several categories that are catalogue, authors, headers, ephemera, folletinesca and universe, of which we highlight the first two which are the catalog and the authors.

Basically, all we have to do is access any of them, and at that same moment we will have access to all the content at our disposal.

For example, if we enter the authors category, we will find all the authors available in alphabetical order, so that, by clicking on any of them, we will access a new page where we will have a fairly complete biography, as well as information regarding his birth, death and the type of literary movement.

In order to access their works we will also have a link that will take us to the complete catalogue.

And for its part, if we access the catalog category we will have at our disposal on the right side a total of six search modes to choose from: author, title, year, genre, topic or mention.

Obviously, the only thing we have to do is choose the one that interests us the most and we can see a list that will allow us access to the book where we will have all the related information such as the title, author, title, year, extension, collection, category, resources, themes and reasons, mentions and of course a synopsis to know what it is about.

Google Books (Google Book Search or Google Print)

Google Books

Google Books is one of the most popular and representative platforms through which we can find our favorite books.

We remind you that it was previously known as Google Book Search and also as Google Print.

Basically on this occasion what we have is a Google service through which we will be able to search for the full text of the books that have been digitized by Google.

One of the main advantages we have with this alternative is the fact that it is the largest database of digitized books in the world.

For its part, the only thing we are going to find is a search engine through which we must enter the details that allow us to locate the book or the type of book in which we are interested.

In addition, it also allows us to create our own collection to be able to access those books that interest us at any time and place, making it a very basic platform, easy to use and containing everything you need to enjoy literature.

Google Play Store

Google Play Store

Google Play Store is also another highly recommended option, since it offers us a complete collection of books, both paid and free.

As a general rule, the free books that we are going to find are classics, books by new writers or even some promotions through which we can access the content for free.

In short, it may not be an excessively large collection, but it offers us the possibility of enjoying some very interesting options without having to pay a single cent.

Google Scholar or Google Scholar

Google Scholar or Google Scholar

Another option that, when you access it, will remind you a lot of Google Books, and that is that it is basically also a search platform but that, on this occasion, is specialized in articles from scientific journals, as well as academic content for students, people who They want to expand their training, and of course they are also curious.

It has a huge database that contains a large number of scientific research works with numerous disciplines and with different publication formats, with which we are talking about a resource that is essential, especially in the event that we need to search for specific works from time to time, either for our training or even to be able to provide them as a reference in our own texts.



This is a complete warehouse of periodical publications that puts at our disposal a lot of articles and books, characterized by being one of the most extensive currently.

We will be able to access a lot of academic content, since we are talking about a platform specially designed for students and for all those whose jobs require them to be up to date with various studies and content.

We will be able to download all the content in PDF, and the advantage is that we will not have any type of limit both when downloading and when printing, in addition to the fact that it is not necessary to register to be able to access all this content .

In total we have a collection of more than 2400 eBooks in Spanish, and although it may not be the largest platform and with the content most related to what we are looking for, the advantage is that we will be able to find resources that would otherwise be impossible for us, and in fact we are referring above all to the articles, although There are also books that are difficult to locate elsewhere.

As for its interface, it is also very simple, since basically what we are going to do is use the search engine that is in the upper left corner, or we can even also use the search engine in the upper right corner of the screen, in addition to that we have three tabs that are the main page, the most prominent titles and the publishers, which can help us better close our searches.

Kobo Books

Kobo Books

It is also a platform that offers us the possibility of accessing both free and paid books, all of them in PDF version.

Perhaps it is not one of the most interesting in the sense that it does not have much free Spanish content, but for less than one or two euros, we will have at our disposal a very complete collection with all types of literature and books, both fiction as non-fiction.

In fact, every day we find new offers for these prices, so we think that it is a platform that can be very interesting since, although we cannot obtain too many things for free, for very little money we will be able to create a large collection.

However, we will also have at our disposal a lot of free books in english, which we can download and use to practice the language or even if we are good at it and like to read in English.

The interface is quite easy to understand, with a search engine at the top that allows us to find books based on their title, the author, whether it is a series or even by entering its ISBN.

Just below we have the categories of both eBooks and audiobooks, so all we have to do is select those that may interest us to be able to access a collection of ideas among which we will find books that we are totally convinced that you will be interested in. .



Through this page we will also be able to download free books and use them with complete freedom, and on this occasion we once again have at our disposal a platform that has a fairly extensive database.

At the moment there are about 33.000 books added, but new titles are added almost daily, so it is worth keeping an eye on them.

In total there is content from more than 13.000 authors, and the operation of the platform is so simple that you will get it in just a few minutes.

In the upper corner we have the popular search bar that can simplify things a lot, especially if we are looking for something very specific.

However, in the event that we do not have anything specific in mind and we want to browse a little to find a good book with which to entertain ourselves and learn, we also have the categories Authors, Genres and Series, each of them being subdivided into the letters of the alphabet, which will allow us to search for the content more quickly.

On the main page we see all the latest news, that is, the latest books that have been added, while we will also have other interesting classifications such as the most read books of this week, the books that have been read the most. read in the last month, or even the most commented books.

When accessing any of these books, we will access a small summary related to its content, and of course remember that each and every one of these texts will have a comments section at your disposal that will allow you to give your opinion.

It should be noted that, in addition to downloading the e-book, we will also be able to read it online, and at the same time it has a very interesting system to report in the event that a link has gone down, so that, if you are trying to download an book and there are problems, you can let us know so they can fix it as soon as possible.

Finally, we also highlight the fact that we will be able to download in two formats: PDF and ePub.



We have already offered you a lot of alternative pages to download free books without registering and even some with registration, but, if you have looked closely, we have not offered you too many alternatives in terms of free audiobooks in Spanish refers.

That is why we have thought that this very interesting contribution cannot be missed, since basically it is a platform that will allow us to access all the content that we are looking for, but with the particularity that instead of books to download there are audiobooks, a sound format that we will be able to play quietly, for example when we are traveling in the car, while we are doing tasks at home, etc.

Of course, all the content is public content, we will not find the latest best sellers nor similar, but the database is so extensive that you will not be bored for a minute.

We have the possibility of selecting books based on the author, the title, the genre and even the language, since we have at our disposal a very extensive collection in both Spanish and English and even in other languages ​​such as French, German, Italian , Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cantonese, Czech, Danish, Esperanto, Galician, Hungarian, Japanese and in general in practically any language that comes to mind.

Of course, some of these languages ​​only have collections of a few units or a few dozen, but the most used languages ​​have a decent collection, highlighting English, which has more than 24.000 books.

In Spanish it barely reaches 400 books, but as new audiobooks are being added little by little, it is worth having it at your disposal to be able to have a good free audiobook library.

Apart from being able to move through these tabs that take us to the categories that we just mentioned, we also have the upper search bar where we can enter the details related to the audiobook or the type of audiobook we are looking for.



Another alternative that we highly recommend, since it puts at our disposal a good database since it obtains the information directly from the Internet itself with the aim of allowing us to find the books we are looking for in the simplest way possible.

Basically what we have in front of us is a book finder, which obtains content from other third-party pages, which means that it is a fantastic option that will allow us to find practically any type of book, offering us several options to choose from.

We can do all this through its search engine, which will allow us to access books in all types of formats from doc to PDF, through ePub and any other you can imagine.

Download free books

Download free books

With such an obvious name, there is not much need for us to explain that here you will be able to find a lot of free books to download.

On this occasion it happens to us as in the previous case, that is, it is a search engine or search engine for free books, so it will be in charge of carrying out searches on the Internet to offer us the different results, always focused on books and texts.

Of course we will also be able to download the files in all types of formats, and the only thing we have to do is write the title of the book, author, ISBN or any other information related to the type of book in which we are interested. search engine, so that in just a few seconds we can locate the book we are looking for.

We have the possibility of using the platform in both Spanish and English, and it has a code through which we will be able to incorporate this search engine into our blog or website, a detail for our readers that can undoubtedly be very interesting.

Books without ink

inkless books

One of the main advantages of this platform is the fact that we will be able to find books in PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPS, TXT, XLS, XLSX, PPT and RTF, with which, as we can see, we have any type of document covered. device or program with which we want to perform the reading.

All the content is completely free, so you will be able to move around with total freedom and of course without the need to register, since it is a page designed to download free books without registering.

Another advantage is the fact that its interface is very simple, thanks to which it has a very fast menu through which we can scroll without interruptions, in addition to having a search engine at the top that will help us locate any content within the platform.

At the top we have different categories to choose from, but it should be noted that they are the most general categories, so if you are looking for something else or want a more complete organization, in the right part you have each and every one at your disposal. one of them, including the possibility of searching for books based on the language, something very interesting since it can help us locate works that would otherwise be much more complicated, especially if we do not have any title in mind and what we want is to find a good book to read.

When accessing any of the books, in addition to its cover we will also find a synopsis through which we will know the type of reading we have ahead of us.

The only drawback that this page has is precisely the fact that new publications have not been added for almost a year, so it is important that it be started again, so that the more of us who move Through it, more content will be incorporated again.



A very interesting online library, through which we will be able to find all types of classic literature, as well as some more recent documents but, yes, all of them royalty-free.

It should be noted that one of the advantages is that most of the content is Books in spanish, although of course we can also find them in other languages ​​if that is what we are looking for.

With several tens of thousands of books, this platform offers us one of the perfect options, especially for lovers of the classics, and although the interface may be a little strident at first glance, basically what we have to know is that we have a icon in the upper left corner of the screen that will open the search engine thanks to which we can locate specific books.

On the left side we are going to see a lot of content, but our advice is that you do not waste time with the first options and continue scrolling down where you will be able to find the books alphabetically, books based on the language, and other search alternatives that They can be very useful to you.



This is another online bookstore where, in addition to being able to buy books, we will also have extensive content at our disposal completely free of charge.

As for free books, we will be able to find all those in the public domain that mainly include classic books, but there is also a wide content of books by new authors who offer their works with the aim of opening a niche in the complicated world of the writer. .

In addition, we can also have books at our disposal at very affordable prices, thus having all the possible alternatives at our disposal.

This is a fantastic option to discover new writers and, of course, to get out of the schemes in which we usually close ourselves.

Of course we will be able to download both in PDF and ePub format, and thanks to its search engine, we will be able to find specific books or books that may be closer to our interests.

It should be noted that, in addition to a platform through which you can access all this content, Literanda is also the perfect place to self-publish, so that you will have access to different services thanks to which you will be able to request a budget that will allow you to carry out your works.



With more than 51.000 free books, this platform is undoubtedly one of the essentials for all literature lovers and for those looking for specific books.

Its interface is very clear and concise, since first of all what we are going to find at the top is an alphabet that will help us find the books easily, but going down a little further we will also have at our disposal various categories that range from novels to romantic books, psychology books, science books, children's books, fantastic literature, youth books, research books, medical books and much more.

Next is the search bar, the perfect place to locate the specific book in which we are interested, and in the event that we do not have any title or author in mind, it can also help us locate books that are included within of a specific category or that deal with a particular topic that attracts our attention the most.

Of course we will also have access to the recommended books, a list with the latest books that have been added, books that are recommended in the month in which we are, and of course also the books that have been downloaded the most throughout the month. throughout the week.

Here we have practically all types of books at our disposal, with the particularity that, when accessing them, in addition to downloading or even reading them directly online, we can also take a look at the synopsis or, at the same time, They will recommend more books by that author or books by other authors that are related.

Online Programming Books

Online Computer Books

It is a very complete platform that offers us nearly 20.000 free e-books but, yes, this time it is a specific page for computer science books.

That is, you have the possibility of download free computer books, very especially focused on the field of programming.

On this occasion we do not have many options to choose from when it comes to finding the books we are looking for, and it is worth noting that practically all the content is books in English, a detail to keep in mind.

First of all, we have a cover with several options, which are the latest ones that have been added to the collection, while in the upper right corner of the screen we have a very effective search engine that will allow us to locate the books that are closest to the topic that interests us.

Just below we have the categories section, which will allow us to find books especially based on the programming language that we want to learn, clarify or develop, but of course we also have many other categories that are worth taking into account since the Content is quite diverse in this sense.



Openlibra is also another very interesting page, through which you will be able to download books both in PDF and in other formats depending on each book.

It is important to keep in mind that much of the content is in English, although in Spanish there are also more and more alternatives to choose from, so we have a fairly large collection at our disposal.

An important detail that we want to mention is that, if you want to access all the books in Spanish, and to do so you use the language category that appears on the right, only four results will appear, but do not fear, since the content In Spanish it is much broader, but apparently by language it has not been well organized or not as much as it should be.

Therefore, if you are interested in finding books in Spanish, we advise you to take a look and keep searching, because you will be able to find many options, especially oriented to the world of computing and technology.

In any case, we remind you that in the top bar you will have a search engine at your disposal that will help you find specific books, and in fact we recommend it more than the categories themselves precisely because they are not completely well organized.

PDF Books

PDF Books

It is a very simple page both in appearance and in operation, and has been created with the aim of being able share free PDF books.

It should be noted that all the content available is legal, that is, they are books that no longer have rights, so most of what we are going to find are classic books or books that have already been around for a few years.

However, new books are added every week, so it is really worth staying up to date since you are going to find a lot of very interesting content.

On the page we can see, at the top, the possibility of finding authors alphabetically ordered, but of course we recommend that you take a look at the categories, since you have a drop-down menu a little further down where the books are organized by novels, stories, poetry, theater, essays and others.

If this is not enough because you have a very specific book in mind, just below the categories you have the search engine where you only have to enter the title or even the author, which will show you a list with all the available ones.

When we access any of the books, in addition to the button download pdf, we will also see the synopsis, so you can know what the book is about before you start reading it.

Planet book

Planet book

Book Planet is also a very interesting option since it has more than 9000 public domain books, which you can read on your computer, phone, tablet or eBook reader.

One of the first things we see when accessing it is a search bar that helps us find the specific content that we may be looking for, but as on many occasions we are not thinking about a title or a specific author, but what we want is to see proposals, a little further down you can see various classifications where, for example, we can find the 50 most wanted books, or even the most recommended books, most notable authors, etc.

On the right side, just by going down a little, we will see the different categories or themes that encompass all the collections, thanks to which you can search for a specific book based on a specific theme.

When we access a book we can see the cover and a small summary that helps us know its content, as well as the different links that can be in PDF, ePub or directly to download on the Kindle.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg

With a database that exceeds 57.000 books, Project Gutenberg or Project Gutenberg is at the top of the most extensive platforms.

In fact, it is one of the most popular precisely because it offers us a large amount of very varied content, and we can find books in English, Portuguese, Italian, German and French.

However, the drawback that we have in our case is precisely the fact that at the moment it does not have any section in Spanish, something that is quite annoying since we are talking about one of the most important and most spoken languages ​​in the world, for which is not understood to have not been incorporated.



In this case we do have an interesting platform through which we can download books in PDF, including of course the Spanish language.

However, it is important that we keep in mind that we will have to register to access all the content.

However, we have at our disposal a very accessible and easy-to-use platform, with a large amount of content in various languages ​​that also includes books, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines and other types of documents.

It has a free version as well as a much more complete paid version, ideal for those who make intensive use of the platform, since it eliminates limitations on access to content, and the price is only $8,99 per month .

On the other hand, it also offers us the possibility of uploading our own book to share it with the entire community, thus making it known and making ourselves known as well.

In addition to fiction and non-fiction books, we have all kinds of topics to cover including economics, biographies, politics, science, health, lifestyle, entertainment, history, etc.



Another of the essential resources that we recommend you have at your disposal, although again we are faced with a platform that has most of the content in English, although it also includes some books in other languages.

Basically it is a resource designed for those looking for texts in English, since it has a quite interesting database, but we will be limited in the language aspect.

At the top we have the search engine that will be the basis of our movements on the platform, where we can enter keywords that help us find the specific books in which we may be interested.

However, on the left side you have several categories that can help you find the specific content for each of them, so that, once we access the book in which we are interested, in addition to having access to the download, we will also to be able to know some interesting details about what we are going to find.



We are already approaching the end of our list, and on this occasion we want to highlight Wattpad, another platform or page to download free books, which offers us extensive content, as well as the possibility of enjoying it from any device, since in addition to being able to use it with our computer, it also includes the possibility of installing applications for Android and Apple.

On this occasion, what we have at our disposal is a platform where we will find everything type of e-books among which books by new writers stand out, having the possibility of accessing a lot of different categories.

In this sense, we can highlight a very interesting aspect of this page, which is the fact that we are going to have at our disposal a fantastic system that will allow us to contact the writers themselves, thus being able to share experiences, contribute ideas or even give our opinion. about his literary works.

Without a doubt, a highly recommended option for those of you who are looking for different novelties that are not available elsewhere, thus managing to discover alternatives that will increase your library.



And finally we reach the end of the list where we put at your disposal an essential tool where there is one, since it is a totally free digital library where we will have at our disposal more than 100.000 free books and texts in Spanish.

From essays to novels, stories, works, etc., everything is available on this platform that grows daily, adding very interesting news with very varied content.

This time we are talking about a platform through Wikipedia, which means that its operation is similar to the popular page that all of you imagine you already know.

In this way, basically we will have the search engine in the upper right corner of the screen to be able to find everything that interests us, but in addition, through the cover itself, we will also be able to access authors arranged alphabetically by their last name, titles of works also arranged alphabetically, of course we can find them by genre, by era or even by countries, with which we have at our disposal not only the content we need, but also a lot of interesting information accessible in a multitude of languages.


How can you download free books without registering?

There are different platforms and formats to enjoy any type of literature and themes.

What pages allow you to download free books?

We have compiled the best download pages that exist in 2020, our favorite is Espaebook, a very complete platform that has a wide catalog of books in different languages ​​and on all topics.

What types of download formats exist?

The most widespread is the .epub format since it is the most used by the different platforms for free books without registration. There are other formats such as DRM, .lit which is the one used by Amazon in its Kindle and .pdf which is the one with the most compatibility of any device.