Tricks to detect fake science and health news

Fake news or Fake News is the order of the day. On the Internet we find all kinds of sensational news that has not been verified. We cannot trust everything we read, since even serious media often fall into this trap, offering information that is false. We offer you some tricks to detect Fake science and health news, since lately they are the ones that are shared the most.

Due to the rapid advancement of new technologies and social networks, we find ourselves in a world full of constant information. On the one hand it has its advantages, such as that we all have quick and easy access to any type of information, but on the other hand there is the disadvantage that this information passes very few filters. To the information and untrue news intended to confuse the reader For various interests, they are known as misinformation or Fake News.

In this pandemic that we have experienced Covid-19 Many Fake News are being generated. Furthermore, information reaches us in all types of ways: through text messages, emails, WhatsApp, chain messages, etc. The civil guard and the police have already warned of many fake news and hoaxes that have circulated through various means of communication. Fake news about refunds Social security, applications that detect the coronavirus, teleworking fraud and alleged vaccines that are sold to combat Covid-19.

Fake covid-19 news

Learn to detect Fake News

In general, Fake News can be present in any topic, but Those that are related to science and health are the ones that can harm us the most. The problem with the Internet is that there are overinformation, and there are few reliable media and sources that are dedicated to contrasting the information and offering you something reliable. For our part, at we always contrast and check everything we write before publishing, since we do not have a sensationalist intention.

These are some tricks that can help you detect Fake news:

  • You have to bring a special Beware of astonishing claims that seem exaggerated. These claims require exceptional evidence. If there are no samples of studies and citation of reliable sources, most likely they just want to attract your attention.
  • In newspaper articles, always look to see which one is the original source of the news. It is possible that the writer has read the original research and misinterpreted it. The journalist may not have ill will, although he may have missed many important things, or may have misunderstood many others due to his lack of training on the subject.
  • See if there are other media with that same information. If it's something amazing that no one else has posted yet, you better wait before believing what it says.
  • When it comes to science and health there needs to be clarity with the details presented in the article, where each data and information that appears has been extracted from. You have to look closely at the experiments that he says have been done and how they have been developed. since not all research carried out is reliable or representative.
  • Compare the information with another source scientific disclosure and look for the names of the researchers and investigations that are cited, since many times the results are not as shown by the journalist, and therefore are biased. Look for links and references to the original source.

These are some of the important points that you should keep in mind, especially when you read information about science and health. Since it is where people are most often confused. Don't believe everything you read in the media, contrast it and do a critical process