Telephone prefix 63030 who owns it and why are you calling me

Many people are concerned when they receive a call that has the telephone prefix 63030. The first reaction is not knowing whether to pick it up, and if it could be some type of scam. We have decided to investigate and check who is behind this prefix which is accompanied by about 14 or 15 more numbers. Below we reveal what it is about.

When you look at your mobile screen and see the phone prefix 63030 accompanied by many other numbers, surely the first thing you have thought is: Who is calling me? Do I take it or not? which What we have been able to discover is that there is more than one company and institution behind this prefix. Also, if you haven't taken it and see it in the log of calls from your mobile, and then you try to call that same number, you will not be able to contact them and find out who it is.

Information about the telephone prefix 63030

This prefix is ​​only used in Spain and due to its characteristics, the majority of people who receive this call We think it is a foreign call or even something fraudulent, so it usually causes some fear.

Who owns this phone number 63030

As we have indicated before, these calls are only received in Spain, and Who is behind it are different public or private Spanish companies that call from an ISDN switchboard. There are cases in which it can be an important call, such as calls from hospitals and health centers that use this prefix. Therefore, if you are waiting for a call from one of these sites, it is best to pick it up when you see the phone prefix 63030.

The operator of this prefix is ​​usually Movistar or telephone. Depending on how the switchboard is configured, you can return the call or not. All the numbers that accompany this prefix are usually the extension of the place where they are calling you, although it will not be possible for you to locate them to know exactly who they correspond to since they are not registered anywhere.

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the call that has the telephone prefix 63030., since it is usually to inform you about something. If you are not interested you can hang up and that's it. Each company has its own system and has the possibility of modifying the number from which they call. They themselves can make different configurations from their switchboard, so each company will process the call differently.

There are many phone numbers that may have malicious intentions, so it is a good idea to find out first what it is and who is behind it. For our part, we wanted to analyze the telephone prefix 63030, and As you have seen, it is advisable in any case to accept the call, since it could be something important. It is not a scam nor is there anything behind it cybercriminals, as can be the case in other types of calls and prefixes.