Green electricity at home and on the go

Electricity is something that most of us take for granted. We press a switch and the light turns on. We turn on the television and the screen lights up. We plug in the phone to charge it and it starts charging. But what happens when we go off the grid? What if we are traveling and we do not have access to electricity?

How does a solar battery work?

A photovoltaic system is a complex of several solar modules, each made up of several individual solar cells. This technology allows us to capture the energy of sunlight and convert it into electricity. However, sometimes too much is produced, so the excess solar energy remains unused. This is where solar batteries come into play, essentially acting as electricity storage for this excess energy. The accumulator absorbs this energy and releases it again when demand in the home increases. This ensures a reliable supply of electrical energy while reducing overall energy costs.

Advantages of a solar battery

Install a EcoFLow portable solar battery It is an investment for the future that reduces dependence on non-renewable electricity. By generating solar energy and storing it with a solar battery, you can meet up to 80% of your own energy needs. Not only is this approach reliable and efficient, but the initial cost is quickly paid for by savings on electricity bills.

Battery types

Technological advances have made lead-acid batteries, once commonly used for home storage, quickly becoming obsolete. Today, there are much more efficient and cost-effective solutions for home energy storage.

Lithium ion batteries

Lithium-ion battery technology is quickly becoming an established home storage system for many people. The advantages of these batteries are obvious: they are very efficient, have a long service life and can be used almost completely in continuous operation without damage. This technology is also used in electric cars and other large industrial storage systems.

Additionally, prices for lithium-ion batteries have dropped significantly in recent years due to increased production and further development, making them even more attractive to consumers looking for reliable energy storage solutions.

Redox flow stack

The batteries Redox flow sensors are emerging energy storage solutions that are being implemented as renewable energy sources become more widespread. While some suppliers of home storage systems using redox flow technology have withdrawn from the market, others are currently putting saline battery systems on sale. Compared to their lithium counterparts, these liquid-based systems require much more space and weigh significantly more due to their much lower energy density.

In return, they promise advantages such as greater safety due to the absence of flammability and very good environmental compatibility. Despite these advantages, questions remain regarding performance, losses and expected useful life.

Foldable solar panel

Solar energy has become a very popular resource in recent years, made even more attractive thanks to the convenience of folding solar panels. These lightweight and flexible solar systems consist of a bag that contains up to three solar panels and has a connector for cables, which in turn connect to a solar regulator. The biggest advantage of foldable solar modules is that they can be placed practically anywhere. This is because they can be easily placed behind the window, which would not be possible with conventional bulky housings.

Mobile app

Mobile solar batteries provide a convenient and reliable way to power your motorhome, car or gazebo without having to set up anything. Additionally, the batteries can be adjusted to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight in all directions. Therefore, you can configure the module for optimal sunlight exposure even if your vehicle is in the shade, which is especially beneficial on long summer days. With the Mobile Solar Battery you will have a convenient and effortless source of energy, whatever the situation.

solar regulator

A solar charge regulator is an essential device to extend the life of a battery connected to a solar panel. It doesn't matter if you are installing a photovoltaic system for your home or an isolated campsite. This is because this device regulates the current output of the solar module and, above all, prevents the battery from being overcharged. To do this, it connects and disconnects automatically based on predefined voltage limits. This creates a constant charging curve that safely supplies the energy needed to keep the battery charged and healthy. With such a device, owners can be sure that their batteries will remain in optimal condition without being prematurely destroyed by incorrect charging cycles.


By using the solar bag, it is possible to charge your phone, laptop or other devices through the USB port or car cigarette lighter. For small consumers, it is enough to connect the device directly to the solar bag via a USB port. If you need a more powerful solution, you can connect the solar bag to the car cigarette lighter with an adapter cable and charge your starter battery. This way, you can prevent the battery from discharging during prolonged parking by using an external renewable energy source. It is even possible to power small appliances such as radios, lamps, etc. with the starter battery.


Peak power is the most common metric for solar systems and is expressed in units of Wp (watts peak). Although this figure indicates the maximum electrical power of a solar module, it is rarely achieved in real-world conditions; However, this figure serves as useful comparative data. Many folding modules, for example, offer a maximum power of 100 Wp. This result suggests that up to 50 Ah can be produced in summer if the sun is properly tracked. With such a performance rate, a 100 Ah battery can be fully recharged after two days of sunshine, depending on other factors. It goes without saying that the self reliance It is much easier to achieve with enough sun.