How to create an account in Correo Orange:

The virtual information system is one of the most implemented services today, due to the variety of benefits they offer; The frequency with which people use it in their daily lives, especially at work and in studies, has caused large companies to emerge in order to offer services that innovate this type of technological market.

Among these companies we have Orange SA one of the most globally recognized multinationals that offers a wide variety of services in the telecommunications area, covering the mobile telephone market, TV, internet connection for fixed and mobile telephones, among others...

Due to the large number of consumers, the company has set the goal of daily improving the experience of its customers when accessing the opportunity to address their concerns. Whether to notify you of any inconvenience or to know the methods to increase and improve the services you have purchased.

With this, Orange SA gives you as a user a page Mail Website which clearly belongs to the company, where you will not only have the opportunity to interact more easily with the company, but also facilitates your activity on the web in order to execute your movements in a safer and unrestricted way, giving you unmissable benefits.

In this order, the company, seeking to update its email system, has managed to migrate the old domains of Wanadoo, Mixmail,,, among others, to its ranks. Which allow you, as former users of these identification networks, to log in with your affiliated data to the Orange email page.

On this occasion, we explain in detail the process to enter and access Orange email, either using the old domains, or by creating a new account directly on the orange company's page.

What are the types of users in Correo Orange?

From the official orange email platform, the company categorizes its users in two ways. On the one hand, it has its official clients and on the other it has other types of users, those who were able to create their account before the domain migrated to the company's information system. If one of these covers your case, keep reading so that you know what the process is so that you continue to have the benefits that this type of network gives you.

Consumer accounts direct from Orange SA

One of the main benefits of obtaining an active Orange email account (completely free acquisition) is having the availability of 10GB of storage and 50MB of virtual space. In addition, it gives you the possibility of having a secondary email as an alternative to your main email.

If this interests you, below we list the steps you must follow in order to be an active user in Orange mail.

  • Have at your disposal a computer or telephone with internet access
  • Enter your preferred web browser
  • ● Place in the search engine

If you have any difficulty accessing the page, you can enter “Orange Mail” or “Correo Orange” in your search engine; you must click on the first option that appears. Once this is completed, you must do the following:

  • Within the page click on the envelope icon that appears at the top right of the screen
  • You will enter “access your Orange email” and select the type of email to use. If it is for direct consumers of the company, click on Customer email.
  • Enter your username, domain and password.

In the middle of this process, we advise you to verify that the selected domain is correct. It is worth reminding you that Orange mail works with multiple domains which are classified by account type, therefore, you have to verify if the domain you have is compatible. Here we name the domains that are to access your customer account:


How do I access the Free account in Correo Orange?

To access the free email from the orange company is extremely simple, for this we advise you to follow the same steps that we previously mentioned. That is to say:

  • enter your preferred browser
  • place in the search engine, or Orange Mail
  • If you went directly to the company's official website, click on the envelope icon located in the upper right part of the screen.
  • Within “Access your Orange email” click on Free email
  • Enter username, domain and password

In the same way as with the client account, you must verify the domain. For this reason, below we leave you the list for free mailing.


How can I identify my account if I am a mobile consumer?

To know your email and thus be able to access the Orange email, you must have your mobile contact number at hand. Since, being a telephone consumer, your email would consist of the same number that was provided to you by Orange, the password would be the key that you implement to access the web portal. If you want to change the user, you must go to settings in order to make the respective changes.

How can I delete my email from the Orange platform?

This process is extremely fast, you must have the customer service contact number at your disposal. Since this is the place in charge of deleting, deleting or blocking your account on their servers.

Thus, to eliminate you must call the following numbers:

  • to 1470 for private users
  • to 1471 for legal users, that is, if you are a company.

recover your password

You must send a message to 222, which will contain: KEY (space) the password you want to choose, that is, “KEY 25145680”, we remind you that the password must be composed of 6 and 8 numerical digits.